Discover WNCC

Discover WNCCSave the date for discover WNCC – 01/25/16!  At discover WNCC, learn more about one of the most affordable colleges in the region.  Tour the campus and learn more about programs of study, CollegeNOW! opportunities, student life, and financial aid/scholarships available.  This is not a HSPS event and students will be responsible for their own transportation should they choose to attend.

Hay Springs Public School on Twitter

Follow Us!Beginning January 2016, Hay Springs Public Schools will be tweeting game scores, general information, current education topics, and lots of other information.  Make sure to follow us @HSPublicSchool on Twitter and use the hashtag #hayspringshawks when talking about us!  Remember this is social media and your comments will be available for everyone to see, please practice good digital citizenship when tweeting.

If you are not on Twitter, go to and click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner to begin the process.

Red Ribbon Week 2015

bg_logo“A Minion Reasons To Be Drug Free”
Red Ribbon Week October 26-29, 2015

Monday:  “Jam Out Drugs”
(wear your jammies to school)

Tuesday:  “Stomp Out Drugs”
(wear crazy socks/favorite boots or shoes)

Wednesday:  “Friends Don’t Let Friends Do Drugs”
(Twin Day–dress like your friend, teacher, etc.)

Thursday:  “Scare Drugs Away”
(wear your costume to school)
***Must be school appropriate/NO MASK
***Teachers WILL NOT help put costumes on
***School is NOT RESPONSIBLE for costumes

HSTV News Cast Returns

The Hay Springs TV news cast has returned thanks to our second year video production students Nathan T. and Jaydlyn R.  This is the first episode of what we hope will become a regularly occurring feature.  Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks!

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Rube Goldberg Summer Camp

A few videos from the Rube Goldberg summer camp that took place during the first week of June at Hay Springs Public School!

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[vimeo clip_id="130215188" width="400" height="300"]

Free Summer Audiobook Program

AudiobookSYNC is a free summer audiobook program for young adults. Starting again May 7th 2015, SYNC will give away two complete audiobook downloads a week – a current young adult title along with a thematically paired classic or required summer reading title. Sign up for email or text alerts and be first to know when new titles are available to download at

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