Middle Level and High School Parent Notice

Beginning on Monday, January 21st, I am requiring that all staff incorporate the following phone and technology policy in every class throughout the day, for the remainder of the school year. We are losing too much instructional time when teachers are dealing with student phone issues. Students will have access to check phone messages between classes and over lunch if they are using them respectfully.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support of our educational system.

Mr. Lechtenberg

Message sent to all staff:

I am requiring that ALL staff require ALL ML/HS students to put their phones and head phones etc. in the phone pockets in your room when they enter the room and leave them there until they are leaving class. Computer usage should also be used for educational purposes only. This is based on phone issues by a few of our students and the disrespect many of them show for staff when you request their phones. These will be my expectations for staff and students for the remainder of the year. They will simply need to get messages etc. between classes and over lunch. As the adults in the room this will, however, also require that you model the behavior we are expecting in regard to cell phone usage, so please refrain from using your phone during class time as well. Thank you for your cooperation and support in this effort to increase instructional efficiency, and increasing student’s opportunities to learn.

2018-2019 Flu Season

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

CDC’s Influenza Division produces a weekly influenza surveillance report, FluView. According to this week’s report (Jan 6-12), seasonal influenza activity remains elevated in the United States. New York City and 13 states experienced high influenza-like illness (ILI) activity.  Learn More

Good Health Habits to Prevent Flu

Flu is a serious contagious disease that can lead to hospitalization and even death. Every year, millions of people get sick, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized, and thousands to tens of thousands of people die from flu. CDC urges you to take action to protect yourself and others from flu.  Learn More

What to Do If You’re Sick with Flu

Most people sick with flu have mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral drugs. If you get sick with flu symptoms, in most cases, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people except to get medical care. If, however, you have symptoms of flu and are in a high risk group, or are very sick or worried about your illness, contact your health care provider.  Learn More

Continuous School Improvement

Hay Springs Public Schools is in year 1 of a five year school improvement cycle. During year 1 the school’s objective is to set educational goals. These goals are developed by looking at data from the Nebraska Department of Education report, academic achievement reports, and surveys.

Earlier this school year, 155 community members, staff members, students, and parents partook in the school improvement survey. These results were then divided into common themes. The survey revealed that the school provided a safe environment, the curriculum is meaningful and teachers are accessible and helpful. It also revealed that the amount of technology and its uses were of value.

The survey also showed areas of concern. These areas included the school’s consistency with code of conduct, the schools environmental conditions, and communications between the school and its patrons. To help us further investigate and plan for the next five years we need a little more information from you. Please take the time to answer this short survey.


Fan Bus – for Football State Championship in Kearney, NE 6:00 pm 11/16/2018


First come first serve, open to adults and students.

Students under 7th grade must be accompanied by parent/guardian.

Fan bus will leave at 10:30am and return after the game.

Cost is $10 per passenger and does not include gate pass.

Signups are posted on the glass door entering the elementary, by the office.

Tomorrow’s Game Live Stream

The NSAA in conjunction with NFHSNetwork will be live streaming tomorrow’s football game.  Unfortunately, this is not a free to view stream and you will have to pay a one month $9.95 subscription fee to view the game.  Perhaps a better option is to just come to the game!  Click the link below to find out more information about the stream:


Red Ribbon Week – Month of October

Red Ribbon Week – Life is a Journey – Travel Drug free is the theme. We will be spreading awareness and and promoting being drug and alcohol free.

Every Thursday in the month of October students are encouraged to celebrate being drug free by dressing up.

Oct 4th – Drugs Can’t Find Me – Wear Camoflauge

Oct. 11th – Fight Fires and Drugs – Wear red

Oct 18th – Sock it to Drugs – Wear Crazy Socks

Oct. 25th – Hats Off to Drugs – Wear your Hat.

We are teaming this event with a food drive. Students are encouraged to bring 1 non-perishable food item every week of October. These items will be collected and donated to the local food drive for baskets.

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