Things are happening at the library – Dot Day (kindergarten and first grade), Author Visit – Buck Wilder (elementary grades), Book Fair (everyone)
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Things are happening at the library – Dot Day (kindergarten and first grade), Author Visit – Buck Wilder (elementary grades), Book Fair (everyone)
The Hay Springs TV news cast has returned thanks to our second year video production students Nathan T. and Jaydlyn R. This is the first episode of what we hope will become a regularly occurring feature. Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks!
[vimeo clip_id=”139995212″ width=”400″ height=”300″]
The juniors are out-and-about selling magazines until September 28th. This is a great opportunity for you to purchase new magazines or renew the ones that you already buy plus help the juniors raise money to put on their prom. If you’d like to make your purchase or renewal with a credit or debit card, please follow the steps below.
This will be the only junior class fundraiser for their prom this year.
The juniors and their parents will also be doing other separate fundraising for the post-prom party.
Buck Wilder will be coming to Hay Springs
on September 22, 2015 for KG-5th Grades
He will have books for sale and to autograph.
Newsletters are now available at Sacker’s, Security First Bank, Pioneer Manor and the Post Office and also available electronically on the website.
Hay Springs Community Recreation
Youth Tackle Football Sign-ups
We are excited to announce that through generous donations from the Dorothy Anderson Memorial and the
City of Hay Springs we will have Hay Springs Youth Tackle Football Teams competing in the Chadron league this fall with new equipment.
Boys and Girls Entering 3rd thru 6th Grade
Practice Held in Hay Springs
Games to be held at home and away
Season will last from Late August to mid October
Registration Fee $60
Equipment Deposit $150
(Fee Scholarships available if needed)
Two Sign-up Dates
Wednesday, August 12th
6:00-7:30 PM
Security First Bank
Monday, August 17th
4:30-6:00 PM
Security First Bank
If you cannot attend either of these sign-up dates please contact Jim at (308) 320-4445
There is a Junior High volleyball camp on Friday July 31st in Lister from 1-4 pm. Cost of camp is $5 to help offset the cost of JH VB warm-ups.
There will be a quick high school volleyball meeting TONIGHT in Lister at 7:00pm.