I ❤️️ Public Schools

On Wednesday, January 24th, Hay Springs Public School staff participated in the third annual I Love Public Schools Day, a day devoted to celebrating our teachers, students, and public school communities.  But don’t worry, no big parties here or days off school…we simply wore our “I Love Public Schools” T-shirts and took a few moments to snap some pictures! #ILovePublicSchools

Branson Band Trip

A huge thank you to Hay Springs Public School and the community for supporting our music trip Branson! It was an amazing experience that we could not have done without you and your support! If you see one of these students, make sure to ask them about their experience!

Spring Ball aka. Winter Ball

Student Council is trying very hard to have a “Winter Ball”. We are now calling it a “Spring Ball” and hopefully, the 4th time is the charm! May the 4th be with us!
We have found one more date that works for everyone.

Mexican Fiesta Spring Ball
Saturday May 4, 2019

Fire Safety Week

Three members of the Hay Springs Volunteer Fire Department took time out of their day to meet with elementary students for Fire Safety Week. Craig Housh, Matt Anderson, and Terry Bronson talked with students about the importance of knowing what to do in case of a fire. Please review your family’s plan with your child including: a safe meeting location, how to call 911, knowing their home address, and having a safe exit out of the house.

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