Thank You!

Hay Springs Public School would like to THANK our Beef to Hot Lunch Program Supporters

S & V Livestock Registered Angus, Don and Mary Vanatta
Hinn Ranch, Tess Hinn
Zach Kraenow Cattle Company
Security First Bank, Hay Springs Branch
BNSF Railway
Sandhills State Bank
Sheridan Livestock Auction Company
Whispering Winds Vineyard, Russell and Sue Lechtenberg
KDK Meats, Bridgeport, Nebraska
Hoos Cow, Judd and Brandy Hoos
Marcy Cattle Company
Heiting Cattle Company, Greg and Megan Heiting

Lipps Cattle Company, Art and Carolyn Lipps
S & V Livestock Registered Angus, Don and Mary Vanatta
EJ Frink and Family

Smith Farms, Lynden and Alisa Smith
Binger Farms, Gary and Brant Binger

Hay Springs Public School is looking for donors for the 2021-2022 school year, if you are interested please contact the school office. Thank You Again!

COVID/Mask Update

Hay Springs Public Schools is no longer mandating the wearing of masks. We are encouraging students and staff members to wear masks if they are unable to socially distance. If teachers request students wear masks in their classrooms, students will be expected to honor that request. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the administration. Thank you in advance for your support.

Early Dismissal, Today, February 11th

Due to deteriorating road conditions and subzero temperatures Hay Springs Public Schools will dismiss at 1:00 pm today. Bus route will run accordingly. There will be no Friday School or Faculty In-Service on Friday, February 12th. Tonight’s activities have been cancelled.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will take place from Monday, February 1st through Thursday, February 25th.

  • Parents can expect to hear from their child’s teacher during this time period.
  • If an in person conference is needed, teachers will set up those meetings at an appropriate time.
  • Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the office at 638-4434.


Beef To School

Happy New Year!  We have done great with beef and pork this last year.  We are in need of 2 hogs and 2 beef to go to the processing plant by February 2nd, 2021.  If you have been approached by anyone, please let Greg Heiting or Shavona Henry know, or call the school at 308-638-4434 and speak with either Mr. Lechtenberg or Mr. Hagge.  Thank you!

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