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Early Dismissal, Today, February 11th
Due to deteriorating road conditions and subzero temperatures Hay Springs Public Schools will dismiss at 1:00 pm today. Bus route will run accordingly. There will be no Friday School or Faculty In-Service on Friday, February 12th. Tonight’s activities have been cancelled.
NOTICE – Subzero Temperatures forecasted!
Subzero temperatures are forecasted all week. We cannot continue to have late starts each day. Please make sure that students have appropriate clothing. Please transport your child/children to school. Doors will be open starting at 7:45am for students to enter.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will take place from Monday, February 1st through Thursday, February 25th.
- Parents can expect to hear from their child’s teacher during this time period.
- If an in person conference is needed, teachers will set up those meetings at an appropriate time.
- Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the office at 638-4434.
Classic Hawk Apparel
Beef To School
Happy New Year! We have done great with beef and pork this last year. We are in need of 2 hogs and 2 beef to go to the processing plant by February 2nd, 2021. If you have been approached by anyone, please let Greg Heiting or Shavona Henry know, or call the school at 308-638-4434 and speak with either Mr. Lechtenberg or Mr. Hagge. Thank you!
Christmas Food Drive
Elementary Christmas Dress Up Days
The elementary is planning to do dress up days the last week of school before break, so get your crazy Christmas socks and ugly Christmas sweaters ready to go!
Monday, December 21st – Crazy/Christmas Sock Day
Tuesday, December 22nd – Ugly Christmas Sweater or Christmas Colors.
Wednesday, December 23rd – Pajama Day
COVID Update
Due to the increase in positive cases of COVID in our panhandle area and Sheridan County, I want to remind you that we are requiring the wearing of masks PreK – 12th Grade at Hay Springs School. Also remember to monitor your student’s temperature/health and if they are ill keep them home. We continue to encourage students to practice good hand washing and sanitization. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Hagge or Mr. Lechtenberg at the school number 308-638-4434 or my cell at 402-340-0849.
Mr. Lechtenberg