Fall Book Fair

2014-10-20 04.53.59The Book Fair was a great success.  Thank you to the many parents, grandparents, and others who purchased books for their students.  We were able to add more than 50 books to our library collection and the preschool collection.  In addition to books, we are able purchase  from the Scholastic Resource Catalog.  We recently purchased some science equipment for the preschool and primary grades. This equipment is made for easy use by little hands.

Hay Springs Youth 3-6th Grade Basketball Practices

Hay Springs Youth
3-6th Grade Basketball

Practice Schedule:

Thursday, November 13th 4:30 PM Old Auditorium
Tuesday, November 18th 4:30 PM Old Auditorium
Tuesday, November 25th 4:30 PM Old Auditorium
Regular practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays unless notified otherwise
First Game: December 6th – we will pass along info. when we receive

The practices will last about 1 hour. If you have any conflicts with getting your kid(s) to practice let me know and we can make arrangements. I will provide the game schedule as soon as I receive it.


Jim Varvel                  Brianna Tonjes
(308)320-4445          402-922-0359

Pep Rally tomorrow at 1 pm. NO SCHOOL ON THURSDAY, 10/30

Congrats HAWK FOOTBALL for making it to playoffs. Hay Springs will be playing in Bertrand, Ne on Thursday at 2pm MST. Go get em’ Hawks! Football is football and talent is talent. But the mindset of your team makes all the difference. WE ARE BEHIND YOU!!

Pep rally on Wednesday at 1 pm in the Old Auditorium. Football team will be leaving with escort shortly after that around 1:20 pm.


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