Track Information

Track season is right around the corner! BASKETBALL PLAYERS WILL BE ABLE TO FINISH THEIR SEASON AND HAVE A FEW DAYS OFF BEFORE EXPECTED TO START TRACK PRACTICE. I WILL GET IN TOUCH WITH THEM AFTER BASKETBALL IS OVER. If you are planning on going out for track and are not out for basketball your start date will be February 27th. From February 27th – March 2nd we will stay in Hay Springs for practice. From then on we will do the same as last year and practice in Hay Springs on Monday and Wednesday, and go to Chadron on Tuesday and Thursday. Please be prepared to practice inside and outside so wear layers to be comfortable in both situations. JUNIOR HIGH WILL START PRACTICE ON MARCH 13.

This is the link to buy some new track gear. This is not a fundraiser or requirement to buy.

Activities Info

Saturday, February 18th, 2023
What: Gordon-Rushville Middle School Basketball Invite
When: 8:00 AM
Where: Gordon-Rushville Middle School gym
Admission: Adults – $3, Children in School – $2, Children Not in School – Free, No Passes will be accepted.
Game 1: (8am) – Gordon-Rushville v. Hay Springs
Game 2: (≅9am) – Bennett County v. Cody-Kilgore
Game 3: (≅10am) – Crawford v. Winner of Game 1
Game 4: (≅11am) – Loser of Game 1 v. Loser of Game 2
Game 5: (≅12am) – Consolation Championship – Loser of Game 3 v. Winner of Game 4
Game 6: (≅1am) – Championship – Winner of Game 3 v. Winner of Game 2


This week’s cultural presentation for the elementary was about Sweden. Some of the things the students learned about included:

  • Children dressing up for Easter similar to Trick or Treating on Halloween.
  • Lordagsgodis is the tradition of eating candy, ice cream, and cake ONLY on Saturdays.
  • Different types of Swedish crafts including felting, dala horse, cookie stamps.
  • Allmansratten which means everyone has access to nature and can camp nearly anywhere.
  • Fika is a relaxing coffee break with Swedish pastries.
  • Swedish money is called the Krona.
  • Some inventions/businesses from Sweden are Minecraft, Skype, Spotify, Ikea, GPS, seat belt, and the zipper.
  • According to Swedish Law, every worker has the right to 4 consecutive weeks of holiday between June and August.
  • Christmas is celebrated on December 24th in Sweden with smorgasbords, St. Lucia Day, and a Yule Goat.

Mrs. Wellnitz read “The Tomten”, a book about a little gnome that is dedicated to helping out on the farm. After the book, the students watched a short video about the history of Sweden, a crayfish party, the Royal Palace, and the Speed Lottery. In Sweden, it is a tradition to watch a Donald Duck cartoon on Christmas Eve so the presentation ended with a short Donald Duck cartoon.  The students received Swedish Apple Cookies for a snack when they returned to their classrooms.

After the presentation, the preschoolers enjoyed dancing to music by the Swedish group, Caramell.

Thank you to the Snow-Redfern Foundation for their generosity. It is through their project grant that makes this cultural program possible.

National FFA Week

National FFA Week this year will take place during the week of February 20th through February 24th. During this week at Hay Springs Public Schools, the FFA Chapter will have school-wide dress up days and numerous activities planned for the students and the public. The two main events for this week will be the visit from a State FFA Officer on the 20th and the annual Pancake Feed on the 21st. The community is invited to the pancake feed, which will be made and served by the FFA Chapter, starting at 6:15 AM in the school cafeteria.

For the students of Hay Springs Schools, the FFA Officers have planned out a dress up day contest for this week. This contest will include the whole school, but the elementary and middle/high school will be judged separately. On the following Monday, the 27th, the winning class will be named and a prize will be given to each member of that class.

The dress up days consist of:
Monday – ‘Merica Day
Tuesday – Official Dress/Blue and Gold Day
Wednesday – Denim Day
Thursday – Dress to Unimpress

Also for the elementary, The FFA Officers have decided to host another coloring contest for each class to participate in if they choose to. The colored pages will be collected and judged on Wednesday and the winners will be announced on Thursday.

Duet Acting

Congratulations to Abigail Nelson and Brooke Winter who placed 6th in duet acting at the Gordon-Rushville speech meet held on Saturday, February 11th. The Hawk speech team will compete in Hemingford at the PANCO speech meet on Saturday, February 18th.


Kathy Willnerd was the guest speaker yesterday for the Ireland cultural presentation at Hay Springs Elementary. Some key points that Kathy discussed were: Ireland’s flag, the national symbol (harp), the potato famine, stone fences, tin whistle, the Blarney Stone, and the Shamrock. Kathy’s husband Steve Willnerd’s great grandparents immigrated from Ireland to America after the potato famine. Kathy made soda bread for the students to try. She also read the book “How to Catch a Leprechaun” and encouraged the kids to go home and build a trap. After the presentation, Jeanie Snyder and Bev Wellnitz went to the 3rd grade classroom and helped the students write limericks. When they were finished writing, they read their limericks to their classmates. The students received the book “Maisie McGillicuddy’s Sheep Got Muddy” and banana bread muffins for a snack. Thank you to the Snow-Redfern Foundation for your generosity that makes these cultural programs possible. Thank you also to Kathy for taking the time to share with the kids about Ireland!

High Plains Honor Band And Choir

Congratulations to Kaden Langford and Abigail Russell who were selected for High Plains Honor Band and Choir held at Chadron State College on Monday, February 6th and Tuesday, February 7th. Kaden participated in the choir and Abby played the flute in the band.

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