Student Attendance Improved

Thanks to all parents for supporting the school to improve student attendance.   So far this school year we have a 96.97% (Almost 97%) attendance rate.  This is up from 94.42% during the 2009-2010 school year.  That’s a great improvement!

Parents be aware, the Department of Education is monitoring all students’ attendance.  We are required monthly to turn in student absences.  Your child’s attendance is monitored along with their State Assessment scores. It’s imperative you send your child to school everyday.

There is a direct correlation between attendance and student success.  Students that have excellent attendance are more successful in school.  Along with that Colleges and potential employers receive attendance information and use that to determine acceptance into college, special programs, or a job.

We would ask parents to assist with the following.

  1. Schedule appointments after school or on Friday whenever possible.
  2. If your child is not running a fever, throwing up, or obviously sick, send them to school.  Often students want to stay home when they have a big test or project due.
  3. Perhaps most important, make certain your child has a regular bedtime.  Plenty of sleep will make it easier to get your child up in the morning for school.
  4. Middle and High School students are notorious for using their cell phones, texting, or using their computer well into the late evening and early morning hours.  An easy solution would be take the cell phone at bedtime and if possible turn the wireless Internet off when kids go to bed.
  5. Monitor the school calendar and schedule vacations and trips when school is not in session.  With the four-day school week students need to be in school everyday.

When your child is ill or has to miss school remember to call the office and report them as sick.

Basketball & Wrestling Parent’s Night

February 9th, 2012

Hawks vs. Crawford Basketball Games 3pm

Wrestlers and basketball players will be announced between the Boys’ JV and Girls’ Varsity basketball games. Parents need to line up in the back hallway of Lister immediately following the end of the Boys’ JV game. After parents are announced, the warm-up for Girls’ Varsity will begin.

Jump Rope for Heart

2nd through 5th grade students will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart (JRFH).  We will start our JRFH at the beginning of February.  These students will have 2 fundraising packets this year:  one for Jump Rope for Heart and one for Kyler Kelly.  All money in the JRFH packet will go to the American Heart Association.  All money in Kyler’s packet will go to the Kyler Kelly account at Security 1st Bank. Kyler Kelly is the newborn son of Keith and Adriene Kelly of Hay Springs and has recently had heart surgery at Children’s Hospital in Omaha.

Best practices when donating:

  • Please be specific as to which cause you want your money to go to.
  • Make sure your name and the correct amount of money is put on the correct envelope immediately.
  • Checks are preferred. When writing your check, please make it payable to either: Kyler Kelly Account or Jump Rope for Heart.

Summer Fun Camps

We again are planning to offer a wide variety of “fun” camps this summer.  We are looking for individuals and community groups who are interested in teaching a camp this summer.  These camps can be full day or half day, one-day, two-day, or four-day camps, or even longer if needed.  We are open to all ideas you may have regarding new camps.  Give us a call to share your ideas and suggestions.

2012-2013 School Calendar

We are in the process of developing the 2012-2013 school calendar.  We have posted the proposed calendar here and it also can be found on our Facebook page. We welcome your suggestions.

This year the Sheridan County fair is scheduled for the last week of July and Friendly Festival is scheduled for August 17, 18, and 19th.  These activities will not interfere with the proposed calendar.

Click here to view a PDF version of the Calendar.

Are You Royalty?

Do you ride a horse? Have you ever wanted to be a Princess or a Queen? Well this could very well be the perfect opportunity. Every year at the Sheridan County Fair the Sheridan County Ag Society holds a Queen and Princess contest. Age divisions for the contest are 11-15 for princess and 16-23 for queen.  This contest is a one day commitment. You will need to supply your own clothes and horse. This years county fair will be during the last week of July.

There are many rewards of taking part in the Queen and Princess contests. This year also the Ag society is offering a $500 scholarship along with other various items. Some of these items include crowns, belt buckles, hay bags, and jackets.

If you have any question or would like more information contact Stacie Oliver at 308-684-3363 or Phyllis Lindsey at 308-282-2370.

Hunter Safety

Hunter safety will be starting up soon. It will be every Saturday in the month of February. Class will begin at 9a.m. every day and conclude at approximately 12p.m. On the last Saturday students will take a test and if they pass both the written test and the physical test they will then receive their certificate and license. Students are only allowed to miss one class and still pass. Also all students must turn 12 in the year of 2012, in order to receive their license.

For more information contact Rick Schneider at 308-638-7638 or 308-232-4509

Baskets In The Bank

If you can shoot a basketball, you can win free money. Security First Bank is once again donating scholarship money to one lucky HSHS student grades 9-12. Basketball players are also eligible to sign up this time. The student chosen for this will shoot five times. Each made shot is worth $100. To be in the contest you must sign up on the office door before the game on Thursday, February 9. This game will also be parent’s night!

PLAYERS please note that if you are chosen you yourself cannot shoot! You have to choose an audience member that is neither a coach nor a referee to shoot for you.

1st and 2nd Grade Field Trip

The first and second graders recently went on a field trip to the Binger farm. The lambing was at its peak and we had a great time viewing and holding all the new lambs. There were lots of interesting questions, like “How do you tell how old they are?” (Look at their teeth) And, “How are the lambs born?” (Very fast) But the true excitement came as a protective ewe jumped a panel. We finished the farm tour with ice cream and drinks. What a blaaaaaaast!

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