Junior High Volleyball Preview

Our Junior High Volleyball team is made up of 12 girls this fall. We have 3 eighth graders, 3 seventh graders, and 6 sixth graders playing this fall. Within this mix we have a pretty broad range of skills and experience, but everyone has been working well together!

The last two weeks we have spent a lot of time focusing on fundamentals and I have already seen huge improvements in the girls! We are all really excited for this season to get underway with our first game at home on the 3rd!!

Lady Hawks Volleyball News

The Hay Springs Lady Hawks volleyball team hit the floor running on August 10th. After months apart, the team was excited to be back together practicing. This year’s team is 20 members strong and includes 9 returning letter-winners with a lot of experience and a fantastic group of underclassmen that will be asked to contribute to the team’s overall success.

The team is patiently awaiting their first competition when they will travel to Garden County to take on the Lady Eagles and the Hyannis Lady Longhorns on Tuesday, September 1st. The team also welcomes new assistant coach and teacher Mrs. Sarah Badje.

“I have high expectations for this team this year. This is our second year together and they all understand what I expect in practices and games. The sky’s the limit if they continue to work hard and play as a team.”

Come out and support your Lady Hawks!
Coach Merritt

New Team Sport “eSports”

Gamers! Check out the newest team sport to hit Nebraska High Schools! Competitive eSports teams are alive in the Kearney area and on the east end of the state. Hay Springs would be the second school on the west end of the state to join along with Gering.
Games for the first semester competition are Starcraft II, Overwatch, and Rocket League. Two games are free to use, only Overwatch requires a purchase. Games are played online with no travel necessary. Mrs. Matthews and Mr. Reimann have volunteered to coach the players. (Who probably could beat us with one hand.)
If curious about what a college eSports setup looks like just ask the Robotics team who visited South Dakota School of Mines last springs. Yes, there is competitive eSports in college and you can get scholarships to play eSports at Concordia, Midland, and Bellevue Universities here in Nebraska.
Watch the announcements for information about an organizational meeting!

Flexible Seating Coming to English Classroom

DonorsChoose, the most trusted crowdfunding platform for teachers, donors, and district administrators, awarded Hay Springs High School English teacher Heidi Beguin, almost $2000 in a flexible seating campaign she created in early August. “I wanted to try to find funds for flexible seating, in my classroom, without putting a financial strain on the school. I created a project a few years ago, through DonorsChoose, that was fully funded and my hope was that this one would be too.” After she publicized the project on her personal Facebook page, and received a couple local donations (big thank you to Lisa Merritt and Malinda Smith), one other anonymous donor came forward to fully fund the project. “My classroom will soon be outfitted with six tall tables, each with two stools, giving twelve students the option to stand or at least sit in something other than the desks they sit in during most every class. Our kids sit a lot of the day, so I’m excited to be able to offer some other options for them.” Before and after photos will be posted to our school’s Facebook soon.

HS Music Notes

It is SO GOOD to get to be back to making music with your students! In an effort to keep students safe, the music room has made a few adjustments. All classes meet in the auditorium where we have plenty of space to socially distance from each other. All band students have covers for their instruments in an attempt to limit the amount of aerosols put into the room. We are also limiting our rehearsal time.

As of the time this article was due, we are not certain how to proceed with concert planning. As soon as a decision is made and a concert schedule is set, information will go out! Stay tuned…

INSTRUMENT DONATION: If you have an instrument that is just collecting dust, I would encourage you to consider donating it to the school for someone to use! Thank you in advance for considering it!!

High School Band will be again selling Little Caesars Pizza Kits from 9/7-9/24! If you are interested and no one has stopped by to see you give the school a call and we will make sure to get someone to you!

Upcoming dates:
Keep an eye out for dates in the near future!


Hay Springs Public School has entered its third year of NPBIS (Nebraska Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports). PBIS is a universal school plan to establish a POSITIVE culture in our school community for students and staff. Research has shown that positive interactions with students directly impact positive school culture. PBIS also gives us continuity! Every staff member is using the same language in regards to behavior, building unity within our school community!

In June the entire HSPS staff attended PBIS Classroom training via zoom. This was an amazing opportunity to get all staff trained in best classroom practices. One of the mornings during our August staff training days was spent on restorative circles within the classroom.

PBIS is always adding and changing the way we are doing things. Keep an eye out in September for our newest addition “Student of the Month!”

We are again doing Super Passes for High School & Middle Level students. Here are the requirements for the Super Pass for 2020-2021 Quarter 1:

  • 0 Ineligibility
  • 1 or fewer Tardies
  • 2 or fewer absences
  • 0 office referrals
  • 5 Hours of Community Service

Community Service forms can be picked up from Adiene in the office or Mrs. Heiting in the 1st grade classroom. Ms. Adriene is also compiling a list of businesses or individuals who have requested some assistance. If you’re not sure HOW to serve, stop by and ask her how you can get involved! Once a form is completed, make sure to turn it into Mrs. Heiting in the 1st grade classroom!

Students who meet these requirements will receive:

Middle Level:

  1. 1 Free Tardy
  2. Drop lowest grade on a daily assignment
  3. Front of the Line for Lunch
  4. 1 free supervised period on campus (preapproved)

High School:

  1. 1 Free Tardy
  2. Drop lowest grade on a daily assignment
  3. 2 Open Campus Lunches
  4. Free Half Day Off of School (pre-approved; responsible for all work missed)

Parents Make The Difference Sep. 2020 Newsletter

Parents make the difference! is a four-page, evidence-based newsletter that provides practical, proven information for parents, on a comprehensive array of school success topics, in a format that is best for you and your school.

Please click the link below to check out this month’s newsletter:

Parents make the difference! September 2020 newsletter

Parents make the difference! September 2020 calendar

Building Readers Sep. 2020 Newsletter

Building Readers provides the guidance, steps to take, specific direction and concrete recommendations that parents need to help their kids learn to read, and to read more proficiently. Click the links below to read the newsletter and extras!

Building Readers Elementary Newsletter(09/2020)
Building Readers Elementary Booklist
Building Readers Extras

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