Elementary Pop Tab Contest

Last year, the elementary collected 81 pounds of pop tabs.  The fourth grade class found that it takes approximately 1000 pop tabs to make a pound, which would make our total pop tabs collected about 81,000 pop tabs! That’s a lot of pop!

IF the elementary as a whole can collect more than 81 pounds of pop tabs THIS year, we will have a PIZZA PARTY for the WHOLE ELEMENTARY!!!

Please have all pop tabs turned in by Monday, May 14th. Stay tuned for the grand total…


Kindergarten Roundup

Mrs. Olson will be holding Kindergarten registration Friday, April 13, 2012 from 8:15 am to 11:30 am in the Kindergarten room. A child must be 5 by July 31st to register. Please bring a copy of your child’s state certified birth certificate, social security number, and immunization record. The 2012 Kindergarten will visit school Thursday, April 19th from 8:00 to 11:00. If you are unable to attend registration, please contact the school at 638-4434.


Assessment News

For teachers, thoughts of spring bring with them thoughts of testing.  While testing does take time from classroom instruction, it can also be a valuable tool for teachers and parents.  It allows them to see student progress, strengths, and weaknesses.  It also helps teachers make instructional decisions for individual students and the whole class.  Besides, it’s required by law whether we like it or not.

Students in grades 4, 8, and 11 took the Statewide-writing assessment the end of January or beginning of February.  This is a writing assessment that measures student performance on state writing standards.  It is given every winter.

Students in grades 2-11 are taking the NWEA MAPS assessments in March.  These are computerized assessments in reading, math, language, and science.  Teachers shared the available results at Parent Teacher Conferences.  If all of your child’s scores were not available at conferences they will be sent home at a later date.

The legislature has also required that we start giving a state test in the areas of reading, math, and science.  The reading test is required for students in grades 3 through 8 and 11.  It tests vocabulary and comprehension and is an on-line assessment.  This is a two day test that will be given in April.  Students will also be taking the state math test (NeSA-M) and the state science test (NeSA-S).  You will receive results from all of these tests in the fall.

Elementary students were benchmarked this fall and winter using AIMSweb fluency & comprehension.  This winter they were also benchmarked using AIMSweb math.  They will be benchmarked for spring before school is out.  Teachers should have shared the results from the fall and winter benchmarks at parent-teacher conferences.

Actual test dates have not been set for all tests at this time; however, your child’s teacher should notify them of an impending test.  You can help your child by remembering it is important for him/her to get a good night’s sleep before testing and to eat a good breakfast.  Also remind your child that these tests are important and encourage him/her to do their best.  If you have any questions about these or other assessments please talk with your child’s teacher or contact Mrs. Marx at the school.  She would be happy to answer any questions you have.



Hawk Wrestlers 48th of 64 Teams at State

In only the second year of our revitalized wrestling program and only having freshmen and sophomores on our team we qualified half of our six man team for the state tournament in Omaha at the Century Link Center. The three qualifiers were freshman Levi Ray at 126 lbs, sophomore Joey Johnson at 132 lbs and sophomore Stevin Horrocks at 220 lbs.

Levi lost his first match to state runner-up Mason Klingelhoefer of Amherst and his second match to Garrett Sonderup of Fullerton. Joey lost his first match to Evan Ashcroft the third place finisher from Plainview and his second match was a loss to Cody Brouilett of MCJU.

Sophomore Stevin Horrocks won his first match over Scott Adams of Freeman by a pin in :51 seconds. His second match was to eventual 2 time state champion Jarrod Bazata of Howels by pin in 2:58. In the wrestlebacks Stevin pinned James Starr of Mullen in 4:58 then lost to eventual third place finisher Kalen Pfeiffer of Amherst. Both of his loses were to Seniors and place finishers.

Being a young team and a growing team we are looking for good things next year and a better showing at the state meet. The team placed 48th out of 64 teams with 7 points.


Seniors to Attend County Government Day

On March 29th, the senior class of Hay Springs will join Seniors from Gordon-Rushville and participate in the annual County Government Day. County Government Day was started in 1942 to educate high school seniors about how local government works. The American Legion Posts and the Auxiliaries from Hay Springs, Rushville and Gordon go together to sponsor the event. The Auxiliaries provide the midday meal.

Each senior will shadow a county court officer for the day. They will see what each officer does in the course of their day. Seniors will find out how county government works and how local tax money is allocated.

At Hay Springs High School, the seniors campaign for four different offices and the student body chooses the winners. Any one not winning election was appointed to another office. This year the offices will be held by the following people.

County Sheriff Marc Sandberg

County Assessor Tauna Letcher

County Treasurer Jerilyn Scherbarth

District Judge Dustin Lee

Public Defender Kelsey Kudrna

County Commissioner Kerisa Marx

County Attorney Dylan Mathson

Road Superintendent Kyle Parker

Weed Superintendent Seth Badje


Hawks Recognized for Outstanding Small Ensemble

Congratulations to the Hay Springs Small Instrumental Ensemble for being recognized as the outstanding small ensemble at Panhandle Conference Music Contest on Friday, March 23rd at Sioux County. The group consists of: Cydney Jancik, Kate Roberts, Jen Scherbarth, Whitney Heiting, Katie Scherbarth, Brittany Ferguson, Shaunna Hunter, Eli Badje, Jordan Encinia & Chris Ray.

Box Tops Update

A great BIG thank you goes out to those who collected box tops. Mrs. Olson just sent in a total of $725.00 worth of box tops.  This money is used to buy supplemental materials for classrooms, new playground equipment, and other non-essentials. Your support is very much appreciated. Way to go and keep on collecting!

You are welcome to drop your Box Tops at the school anytime.  Starting April 2, 2012, you will also be able to drop your Box Tops off at Security 1st Bank in Hay Springs. Look for our “Box Top Drop-Box” in the lobby. Go Hawks Collectors!

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