Hawks Wrestling Starts Season with a “Pinning” Beginning

wrestlingThe first meet of the season has been underway. The Hawks took on one other school at the traditional Crawford Invite. The Hawks went into the tournament with not every wrestler.

Three wrestlers did not wrestle, Kolten Marx, Christopher Ray, and Tyler Merritt. The Hawks still went and competed. In the 126 pound class Charles Jerrell Jr. went one and three; these were his very first ever wrestling matches. Levi Ray competed in the 132 pound class and went undefeated with a record of five and zero. Joseph Johnson was in the 138 pound weight class and went four losing in the championship match. In the 145 pound weight class there was Jake Johnson trying his best to win in the higher weight class; Jake lost all four of his matches. In the 220 pound class Stevin Horrocks won all but one of his three matches.

All in all the Hawks placed sixth with only five wrestlers. The Hawks are ready to keep their success going throughout the year. The next meet is Saturday the 14th of December in Gordon.

State of the Schools Report

The State Board of Education and Nebraska Department of Education developed a state accountability system as required by state law 79-760.06. The State Board of Education adopted a system that is based on student scale scores within grades, buildings and districts. The system is intended to inform educators, parents, school board members, community members and policymakers about the learning progress of Nebraska schools and school districts.

Key Components of NePAS:
1)  Nebraska Performance Accountability System (NePAS), was effective for the first time during the 2012-2013 school year.

2) The basis of the new accountability system is NeSA statewide test results, which indicate student learning based on state standards developed to measure career and college readiness.

3) The state’s goal for students is that they will be college and career ready when they graduate so they have a successful work, military and/or college experience.

4) The purpose of NePAS is to inform policy makers, the public and school officials about school district performance.

5) The new accountability system provides information about the progress of districts by looking at state test scale scores in a category called STATUS as well as IMPROVEMENT and GROWTH.

6) NePAS ranks districts by the following grade level configurations:
-Elementary grade-level configuration (grades 3-5)
-Middle level grade-level configuration (grades 6-8)
-Secondary grade-level configuration (grades 9-12)
-District configuration (grades 3-12)

Graduation Rate – ranks districts by comparing the percentage of high school graduates.

What the rankings mean: There are 249 school districts in Nebraska.  The NePAS results rank school districts from 1 to 249 in reading, math, science, and writing.  For example if you ranked 2 on the writing test you were the second highest ranked of the 249 school districts in Nebraska. If you ranked 249 you were the lowest ranked school in Nebraska.

Hay Springs Schools scored well and were ranked quite high on this school district comparison.  See results below:

Grades 3-12 Reading Status
– Hay Springs Ranked 19 out of 249 school districts in Nebraska
– Up 16 rankings from the previous school year
– Hay Springs was the highest ranking school district of the Panhandle Schools

Grades 3-12 Math Status
– Hay Springs Schools ranked 76 out of 249 school districts in Nebraska
– Up 14 rankings from the previous school year
– Hay Springs was the sixth highest ranking school district of the Panhandle Schools

Grades 3-12 Science Status
– Hay Springs Schools ranked 42 out of 249 school districts in Nebraska
– Hay Springs was the third highest ranking school district of the Panhandle Schools

Grades 3-12 Writing Status
– Hay Springs Schools ranked 182 out of 249 school districts in Nebraska
– Up 14 ranks from the previous school year

Graduation Rate
– Hay Springs had a 100% high school graduation rate for the 2012-2013 school year.

Hay Springs Schools scored quite well on all NeSA tests.  When you compare all school districts in Nebraska from Omaha to Hay Springs our test scores and ranking were outstanding.  We are all proud of our student success, parent support, quality teaching, and the overall quality of the education provided in Hay Springs Public Schools.

If you would like additional information regarding the NeSA testing, NePAS ranking of school districts, or a comparison of other school districts stop by the office.  We would be glad to provide more specific information.

Link to the State of the Schools Report.

One Act Play

Hay Springs Drama will be heading to Hyannis for the District One Act Competition December 3.  They will be performing “Almost a Bride for Dracula”.  The cast is as follows:  Dracula-Seth Nowak, Donna-Leah Griese, Lisa-Tanna Badje, Becky-Katrena Ryan, Dracula’s Mom- Quinn Tiensvold, Becky’s Dad-Drew Letcher. The group will have a public performance on Dec. 5 at 7 p.m.

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