A Trip To The Library

On Wednesday, October 4th, the 1st grade class took a trip to the Public Libary downtown! They had a GREAT time and were happy to get out of the classroom for a while after working so hard these last few weeks. Mrs. Rasmussen taught them how to be in alphabetical order just like her books and then she read them two stories. They also got to do leaf rubbings and, of course, read books on their own!

Animals Inside and Out

Third and Fourth grade went on a great learning adventure September 25th called Animals Inside and Out. The Nebraska Extension graciously invited third and fourth graders from surrounding towns. The kids learned a vast amount of information about animals. Nutrition was a big topic, the students even got to see the reproductive tract of a cow and a sow. The students were able to play a very fun knowledgeable game of bingo about animals, and their by-products. There were many other learning stations that we attended as well. A big thank you to all the people from the Extension office who helped educate our students about the agricultural way of life!

Junior Magazine Sales

The Junior class is selling magazine subscriptions again this year to help raise money for Prom.  The online store(accessed by clicking the image below) stays open all year and the class gets a percentage of anything that is sold.  You can also go www.gaschoolstore.com and use the School ID of “2637262” when placing your order.  If you are planning on renewing a subscription anyway, why not help the Junior class out!


The 4th graders found out what it was like to come up with their own prototype and to test it. The goal was to keep their egg from cracking in a crash. They could only use materials that would fit into a gallon sized freezer bag. We had a diverse bunch of materials that came to the classroom. Some very clever ideas were tried. Sadly several students forgot their supplies at home so their classmates donated them materials in a gesture of kindness to others. Many of the eggs took a fatal crash. Some were only a little cracked, but one group…oddly enough the ones who forgot their supplies and took others donations, well their egg came out unscathed. Part of the purpose of this experiment is to show how important air bags are in a car cash. Fun and learning was had by all!!!

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