2nd Round Quarter Final State Football Playoff Information


2nd Round Quarter Final State Football Playoff Information

When: Friday, November 2nd vs. Spalding Academy Shamrocks

Time – 4:00 pm

Where: HOME!!

No Passes will be accepted – $7.00 adults and $5.00 students

Pep Rally:  3:15 PM, Thursday, Nov. 1st

  • CREAM THE SHAMROCKS! Who do you want to see creamed? Cast your vote by……** Putting money into your chosen teacher’s Jar. The winner will be creamed on stage in front of the entire school during the pep rally!! You have until Thursday beginning of 2nd hour to vote! The top 3 teachers with the most money will be creamed. The 3 teachers with the lowest money will be throwing the pie. Football players will also have a pie eating contest.

Tailgate Party: 

  • Hay Springs Catholic Youth Group will be sponsoring the tailgate this Friday at the football game.  Hamburgers, chips and dessert will be served.  Beginning at 3:00 pm. Free will donation.

Game will be aired on:

KBPY 107.7 FM.  or go to www.chadrad.com and click on the listen live tab.

KNLV Radio from Ord, NE.



First Round State Playoffs, Friday, October 26th, 5:00 pm

First Round State Playoffs

Hay Springs vs. Red Cloud

When: Friday, October 26, 2018

Time: 5:00 pm

Where: AT HOME! 

No Passes will be accepted – $7.00 adults and $5.00 students

Security First Bank will be sponsoring a Tailgate Party beginning at 4:00 pm. Hamburgers, chips and desserts will be served! Free Will Donation

Game will be aired on KBPY 107.7 FM. To listen live go to www.chadrad.com and click on the listen live tab.


One Act Fundraiser

The Hay Springs One Act Team will be selling “Stormn’ Norman” t-shirts to help defray the cost of putting on our play. If you are not familiar with who Stormn’ Norman is you can follow him on Facebook by searching Stormn’ Norman or @StormnNormantheAlpaca. Norman is an alpaca who is an unofficial mascot and goodwill ambassador of the Hawks. Norm shows up to school and school functions to promote all the good things going on at the school.

Adult t-shirts and be purchased for $17; XXL and XXXL sizes will be more. Children’s sizes are $15 and long sleeve versions are $20. If you wish not to purchase a shirt but donate money that option is also available.

Shirts can be purchased online and shipped to the school for free or shipped to your home for a small fee. They can also be purchased by check or cash by contacting Brad Bounous or a member of the cast.

If you have any questions you can call Mr. Bounous at the school or e-mail him at brad.bounous@hshawks.com

Thank you for all your support!

Click here to order online!

First Round State Football Playoffs 10/26/18

First Round State Playoffs

Hay Springs vs. Red Cloud

When: Friday, October 26, 2018

Time: 5:00 pm

Where: AT HOME! 

No Passes will be accepted – $7.00 adults and $5.00 students

Security First Bank will be sponsoring a Tailgate Party beginning at 4:00 pm. Hamburgers, chips and desserts will be served! Free Will Donation


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