
This year’s homecoming games will be October 5th against Banner County. The volleyball game will begin at 5 PM and the football game at 7 PM. The week leading up to the game will be filled with fun and games.

The week starts off on Monday with Toga Day as the Dress up theme. Coronation will be held at 3:30 in the High School auditorium. After afternoon practices at 7 PM there will be a Fear Factor/Anything Goes competition for the classes held at the football field.

Tuesday’s dress up theme is Duct Tape. Students are already working on their Duct Tape costumes for the day. That evening’s event will be the annual Softball Game held at the city field starting around 7 PM.

Wednesday will be Flood Day. Students are coming dressed ready for an impending flood. Wednesday evening is Church and Homework Night. This year’s senior class is suggesting that everyone attend their regular Wednesday evening activities and then head home and get caught up on their homework.

Thursday is the annual Hat and Jersey Day. These will be the outfits for several fun activities. Around 3:30 there will be a Pep Rally downtown in front of Security First Bank and everyone in the area is invited to attend. Later that evening, there will be an evening activity. As of this printing, it probably will not be a BonFIRE but the Senior class is planning an alternative activity if FIRE isn’t possible. The evening activity won’t start until 7:30 so that the Cross Country runners (who will be competing in Gering that afternoon) can get back to enjoy the festivities. The Senior Class will host a Hot Dog BBQ at 6:30 p.m. for $3 a plate (hot dog, chips, drink, cookie or bar).

On Saturday evening, the Student Council will hold the Homecoming Dance. The Dance will be held in the school cafeteria from 8-12PM. The cost for the dance will be $2 per person and $3 per couple. Ineligibility will count and once a student leaves the dance they will not be allowed to return.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the school and ask for Mrs. Houser.

2012 Drivers’ Education Classes

Drivers Education Classes are starting soon! The classes will be held at three different locations. Hay Springs and Gordon-Rushville will be held together and classes are also offered in Crawford and Chadron.  Classes in Chadron will be held May 21-25 from 8a.m. to 12p.m. at Chadron High School. Crawford classes will be May 29-June 2 from 8a.m. to 12p.m. at Crawford High School. Hay Springs and Gordon-Rushville classes will be held June 14, 15, 18, and 19 from 8a.m. to 1p.m. at the Rushville Middle School. Tuition for the classes is $280 and this includes all the student materials. All students must possess a learner’s permit in order to enroll in the classes. Advance registration and payment are also required.

Behind-The-Wheel driving is required for these classes. These times will be scheduled prior to the first classroom meeting. There is no guarantee that the student will be able to do their BTW training during the course dates, so scheduling drive time prior to or after the course dates may be necessary.

Curriculum for the Drivers Education Classes is as follows:

•20 hours of classroom instruction

•5 hours hands-on driving

•5 hours of observation (suggested not required)

•1/2 hour Behind-The-Wheel Drive Test for Provisional Operator’s Permit (POP)

•Driving includes: highway/gravel, parallel/perpendicular/angle parking, marked and unmarked streets/intersections, interstate driving, heavy city traffic driving.

*Register online at www.nesafetycouncil.org or call the Nebraska Safety Council at 402-483-2511. You may also download, print, and fill out the registration by clicking here. Registrations are accepted up to one week prior to the first class date. The instructors for the courses are Mark VanHorn (308-432-5325) and Mike Kaus.

Prom 2012

The 2012 Prom will be held in the old gym on May 5th.   The banquet and dinner will begin at 5:00 p.m. Pictures will begin at 6:30 p.m.  The Grand March will be held in the gym beginning at 8:30.  The doors will open to the public at 8:15 p.m. to attend the Grand March and parent dance ONLY.  All public, including parents, are asked to leave immediately following the parent dance so that the students can enjoy spending the evening with their classmates and friends.

Notice of Prom Eligibility: This is a reminder to parents and students that only students in grades 9-12 are eligible to attend prom.  In addition 9th & 10th grade students must be eligible the week of April 30th in order to attend prom.


Read Across America

We started the afternoon celebration with the ebook The Lorax.  Many students knew that The Lorax movie opened in theaters last Friday.  The National Honor Society took over as the classes went to separate rooms.

The fourth and fifth grade talked about the Lorax then drew their own versions of the Once-ler.  As everyone knows, you only see his hands in the book.

The second and third graders listened to My Many Colored Days then colored their personal version of their “colored day.”  While they worked, Mrs. Binger read Fox in Socks to the group.  This book will tie anyone’s tongue in a knot.

Kindergarten and first grade did a Lorax color by number picture, but had to do some math to figure out what colors to use.  They finished by listening to The Cat in the Hat.

The celebration finished with Laurin and Jordan doing a duet reading of Green Eggs and Ham.

Homecoming Update

The schedule for this year’s homecoming has been set. On Thursday, October 5 voting for the Homecoming King, Queen, and escorts will commence. The final vote will be taken on the next morning. The senior parents will begin decorating for Coronation on Sunday, October 9. On Monday, Homecoming week officially begins with Coronation in the late afternoon and the bon-fire following the junior high volleyball game. Then on Thursday, the pep rally will be on Main Street around 4 p.m. Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. Houser will be in charge of the fun and games. That same night at 7 p.m. there will be a football team versus volleyball team softball game sponsored by the coaches. Saturday evening will be the Homecoming dance sponsored by the Student Council.

The dress up days are as follows: Monday- Teacher Imitation Day, Tuesday- Pirates’ Day, Wednesday- Celebrity/Rock Star Day, and Thursday- Hay Springs Hat and Jersey Day.

What’s That Racket?

BANG BANG! This year’s construction class consists of John R., Sage Y., and Mr. Badje. The big project that they are working on this year is one of the school’s rental houses. They are planning on updating the house so that it will be more appealing to renters. The construction class is planning on redoing the floors, putting in new windows, kitchen counters and a sink, and they also hope to put on a new roof. Mr. Badje may also have another class help with the house. The class he has in mind is the Electricity Class. He hopes to have them do some projects in the house when they get done with the project they are currently working on. There is no deadline for the project and Mr. Badje said, “If the project carries over into next year, that is fine with me.”

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