Schedule as follows:
5:00 pm Hay Springs vs. Gordon-Rushville
6:00 Gordon-Rushville vs Crawford,
7:00 Hay Springs vs. Crawford.
Quick Links
Middle/High School
The Parent Institute Newsletters
Schedule as follows:
5:00 pm Hay Springs vs. Gordon-Rushville
6:00 Gordon-Rushville vs Crawford,
7:00 Hay Springs vs. Crawford.
ELEMENTARY/ML/HS PICTURE DAY’S HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED FOR OCT 12th and 13th. “moments” by Bev will be doing our school pictures this year. Pictures will be taken in the auditorium. Please bring picture packets back to school by October 7th. Thank you!
Tuesday, Oct. 12th
1. Pre –K (AM) first thing
2. Kindergarten
3. 1st
4. 2nd
5. 3rd
6. 4th
7. 5th
8. Afternoon Pre – K
Wednesday, Oct. 13th
1. Choir (during class)
2. Journalism (during class)
3. 6th and class officers
4. 7th and class officers
5. 8th and class officers
6. 9th and class officers
7. 10th and class officers
8. 11th and class officers
9. 12th class officers
10. Student Council
11. One Act
12. FBLA Team
13. FFA Team
14. ESports
15. Individual and Group Band Pictures (during band class)
HS FB in Arthur County tomorrow 9/10 will begin at 1:30 pm instead of 2:00. Leave time is 9:30 am. Good Luck HAWKS!
On September 13, 2021 at 1:00 p.m., a meeting conducted by Sheridan County School District #3 will take place in the Hawks Nest at Hay Springs High School. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide an opportunity for parents and representatives of nonpublic schools to participate in the development of a plan for providing special education services to children with disabilities who attend nonpublic schools and home schools which are within the Sheridan County District #3 for the 2021-2022 school year. Parents of a home-schooled child identified with a disability and attending a nonpublic school within the boundaries of Sheridan County School District #3, are urged to attend. If you have further questions pertaining to this meeting, please contact the office at (308) 638-4434.
The following is the latest up-date from PPHD concerning COVID positive cases:
We have learned that our recommendation for school-aged children identified as close contacts to stay home, does not align with state truancy guidelines; hopefully, more to come from NDE.
We are changing our recommendation based on this information: Public Health will encourage school-aged household close contacts to wear a mask and monitor for symptoms for 14 days.
Below is our script when we talk to parents with school-aged children identified as a close contact of a household member.
According to DHHS school guidance, school-aged children are required to self-monitor for fever or other symptoms for 14 days. Public health recommends that your child wear a mask at school for those 14 days. Your child does not need to stay home unless they develop symptoms or test positive. If they have symptoms or test positive, they will need to isolate at home.
Adults and younger children will need to quarantine at home. Vaccinated people do not need to quarantine; they will be asked to mask and monitor for 14 days.
We are sending this information out to parents so you have the latest PPHD guidance. We are finding that some parents are choosing to keep their school-aged children home when there is a positive household contact; we as a school district will support you in that decision. Please keep the school office informed if you have ill family members or positive test results and continue to monitor your children’s temp before they come to school.
See also the Contact Tracing Packet sent to positives that are not school-aged. As cases increase, we are asking non-school-aged positive cases to notify their close contacts.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, or PPHD if you experience confusion, challenges, or need clarity with a situation. I am sure we can get through another year working together.
Mr. Lechtenberg
Football Tailgate sponsored by JHVB team during Football game vs. Creek Valley
When: Friday August 27th, 2021
Walking Tacos
Starting at 6:30
Free-Will Donation
Changes to schedule:
We are working on the application for the Seamless Summer Option food program which will allow all of our students to eat breakfast and lunch free again this coming school year. The application was to open on Monday, August 2nd, I have pasted below the email we received from the Department of Education. We want to encourage those families that might qualify for free and reduced lunch prices to still apply for the 2021-2022 school year in the case we are not approved for the Seamless Summer Option through the Nebraska Department of Education.
Seamless Summer Option application for SY2021-22
The NDE was hopeful the installation of the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) application in the online application & claims system (CNP) would be ready to go on Monday, August 2nd. Unfortunately, that timeline was disrupted and we are unsure about the timeline for opening the SSO application for submission to the NDE Nutrition Services.
What does this mean for you?
A delay in completing the School Meals Application until the successful installation of the SSO application.
What to expect: The NDE will provide a weekly email update to communicate the status of the SSO application’s installation, which we hope will be completed in the next week or two. Until then, please know that if the SSO application is not installed before your school begins the 2021-22 school year, meals served before the completion, submission, and approval of the SY2021-22 SSO application will be allowed to be claimed for reimbursement. The NDE will also provide a step-by-step guide to support the timely completion of the SSO application upon its availability. This guide will be distributed when the SSO application is ready to access.
Hay Springs Public School
Return to Learn Plan 2021-22
This plan will address plans and procedures that we will follow at Hay Springs Public School while doing everything possible to keep our children and staff safe and healthy and yet address the desires of you the parents/ guardians have directed by our parent survey results from last year.
Our students will be back in school on a regular basis with as limited restrictions as possible. Our focus will be doing what we believe is necessary to keep everyone safe and healthy. The last thing that we want is to have any of our students, parents/guardians, staff or patrons of our community, ill with COVID because our students are back in school.
Currently there are concerns about the new variants, but as your superintendent, I truly believe that our students deserve to remain in school and receive person to person education. I am sure as school begins we will be having bi-weekly or weekly meetings with PPHD, the ESU #13 administrators, the Commissioner of Education and the Governor to receive guidance and create an ever changing plan if cases increase. We will continue as we did over the past year follow guidance from Panhandle Public Health District. For that reason, this plan is going to be very general and allow for adjustments and changes as the circumstances in our school change. Know that as your superintendent I am working with my administrative team and the board of education in this process. I will make the best decisions that I can while following the guidance from PPHD. Know that the health of your children is my top priority. Having children back in school is not only my second priority, but I believe in person education is not only academically necessary but also beneficial to the health of our children. With these things in mind I will outline some of the precautionary measures we will be taking at Hay Springs School.
As parents, know that the administrative team, the teaching staff and the support staff will be doing everything possible to keep your students safe and healthy. I appreciate your support and cooperation as we continue through this process. We must all realize and acknowledge, that what is working today may not work tomorrow. Please if you have questions give us a call and remember if and when we get positive individuals connected to the school be it a student or staff member we will remind everyone we work with, to treat each other with KINDNESS, GRACE AND RESPECTFULNESS. Together we are going to have a great academic year in 2021-22.
D. Russell Lechtenberg
Hay Springs Schools received $191,916 through ARP Act ESSER III. Hay Springs Schools has held public hearings and had discussions during board meetings. The staff has had discussion on the use of the money as well.
Describe how the District engaged stakeholders in meaningful consultation on the Plan for Use of Fund. Answers must be detailed. Stakeholders must include, but are not limited to: students, families, school and district administrators (including special education administrators), teachers, principals, school leaders, other educators, school staff and their unions, Tribes, civil rights organizations (including disability rights organizations), and stakeholders representing the interests of children with disabilities, English learners, children experiencing homelessness, children and youth in foster care, migratory students, children who are incarcerated, and other underserved students.
1. The district held a public stakeholder meeting in conjunction with NASB. The multiple board members were involved as well as parents, students and local business owners. The information gathered at this meeting was shared with the entire school board and administration for guidance on the use of the ESSER Funds.
How will 20% of the allocation be used to address student learning loss?
The focus of our program is to improving curriculum for our students. The district will evaluate programs that fit our needs. Hay Springs Schools will work with ESU and stakeholders to develop the best solutions for our school. The school system will continue expand the summer school program to address any possible learning loss.
How are these resources providing support for students that missed instructional time?
High Quality Instructional Materials will be sought after to improve our curricular offerings for our all students.
Summer school will be run to help continue to focus on addressing learning loss.
How are these resources providing support for students that have been historically marginalized? (ie: students of color, students who are economically disadvantaged, English learners, and students with disabilities).
Students who have been historically marginalized will see the benefit of quality curriculum and summer school opportunities to increase learning. The district is also providing free lunches during summer school to all students regardless of economic status.