Elementary HAL Trip

On Monday, May 15th, the elementary HAL group traveled to Rapid City for the end-of-year field trip. Our first stop was Outdoor Campus where we  learned about different habitats and adaptations found in the Black Hills and Badlands. Then we went fishing in the pond located at the Outdoor Campus. We caught a variety of fish and even saw a huge snapping turtle! After a quick lunch at Pizza Ranch, we tested our skills at an escape room. Although we didn’t get out in the hour time limit, we had fun!

Elementary HAL

Elementary HAL students recently worked on making complete circuits with batteries, so they wanted to test making circuits with citrus fruit. Although everything was hooked up correctly, we just couldn’t get the bulb to light up. We learned that sometimes science doesn’t always work they way we think it will. They wrapped up the hour playing chess, checkers, and brain teasers.

Trout In The Classroom Field Trip

Fifth graders traveled to Chadron State Park to participate in the Trout in the Classroom field trip. We first learned the basics of baiting and casting a line, and then tried out our skills. Many of the students are experienced fishers, while others were first-timers. We only caught two trout, but there’s never a bad day of fishing, right? Next, we said goodbye to our trout and released them into the pond. We then collected macro invertebrates from the pond and identified the various organisms from damselfly nymphs to snails to determine the water quality of the pond. Finally, we went on a little nature walk along the creek before having lunch and heading home.

Kindergarten Math

Kindergarten is CELEBRATING Math achievements! Kindergarten has been working on reading and working out story problems. We are all so proud of what we are accomplishing. So if you see a Kindergartner give them a high five! Also we have been enjoying some of the High School kids coming down and doing flashcards and reading with us! We love our older Hawks!

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