
The elementary students participated in the EnvironArt program on February 19th. This is a unique program that combines the expertise of an artist and a naturalist to bring science and art together. After learning about the importance of waterfowl and their habitats from the naturalist, the artist guides students in creating a realistic drawing of a North American duck, goose, or swan. Students will finalize their drawings in the coming weeks, and we will submit them to the US Fish & Wildlife Service Junior Duck Stamp Contest. All entries help to raise money for waterfowl wetland conservation.

Pollinator Garden

Back in November, we made a post talking about the 4th grade pollinator garden(https://hshawks.com/2019/11/20/4th-grade-spotlight/). Many of you mentioned that perhaps you would be able to donate some plants or flowers after “spring cleaning” your own flower gardens. The following message is from Mrs. Meeks(the 4th grade teacher):

My class is looking for donations from the community when they clean up their gardens this spring. We are working on a beautification of our school as well as making the front of our school a neat path for enjoying the outdoors. We are looking for all sorts of flowers that are good pollinators. Some for early spring, summer, and fall flowers. BUT we are also going to grow some flowers. IF we could find out who is willing to donate some extra flowers our way as well as what kind of flowers they are it would really help us plan our garden.
Thank you
Mrs. Meeks

Please call or email the school(hawk.contact@hshawks.com) if you would like to donate!

Intentional Kindness Challenge

Our school is kicking off February with an intentional kindness challenge. Each day we will challenge you to be kind in a special way. Listen closely for a second graders voice after the Pledge of Allegiance in the mornings!

February 5 we are collecting coins for care packages for three Hay Springs graduates that are currently deployed. Joey and Jake Johnson and Coy Wolken. You may continue to make donations until the 12th. Second grade will be mailing the care packages on February 18th.

100th Day of School

You’re Invited!
Who: ALL K-5th Grade Students; AM Preschool
What: 100th Day Pancake Breakfast made by your teachers just for you!
When: Monday, February 24, 2020; 8:00am
Where: Cafeteria
Why: Because you have worked hard for 100 days and deserve to celebrate!

*Individual classroom teachers will decide on 100th day activities for their own classrooms.

Sharks on the Plains?

Hay Springs Elementary students spent the last hour of school Thursday afternoon watching “Sharks on the Plains? America Under the Sea”. It was a virtual field trip with the University of Nebraska State Museum of Natural History and Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium that was streamed into the auditorium for everyone to watch!

Dive into life in the sea – both ancient and modern – right here on Nebraska’s great plains. Join us on a virtual trip to both the Scott Aquarium at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium and the Mesozoic fossil gallery at Morril Hall. We will explore marine life, habitats, and adaptations. And can you see sharks on the plains? You better believe it!

Parents Make The Difference Feb. 2020 Newsletter

Parents make the difference! is a four-page, evidence-based newsletter that provides practical, proven information for parents, on a comprehensive array of school success topics, in a format that is best for you and your school.

Please click the link below to check out this month’s newsletter:

Parents make the difference! February 2020 newsletter

Parents make the difference! February 2020 calendar

Building Readers Feb. 2020 Newsletter

Building Readers provides the guidance, steps to take, specific direction and concrete recommendations that parents need to help their kids learn to read, and to read more proficiently. Click the links below to read the newsletter and extras!

Building Readers Elementary Newsletter(02/2020)
Building Readers Elementary Booklist
Building Readers Extras

Elementary Christmas Party

On Thursday, December 19th, the elementary students were excited to celebrate the end of the first semester. After lunch, Grades PK through 5th were treated to a movie party in the auditorium complete with a Christmas tree and lights while the watched The Grinch.  Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful elementary students!

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