4-H Opportunities

Achievement Application & Career Portfolio
This year the 4-H Council is allowing the Junior and Intermediate age divisions to be eligible to complete either the Achievement Application or the Career Portfolio. These are due September 30th. The Senior division must complete the Achievement Application in order to be eligible for State Awards. By completing these applications, youth are eligible to win additional $25 cash prizes presented at the Achievement Banquet in October. The Achievement Application can be found at the following website: https://4h.unl.edu/achievement-application. Youth will need to select a curriculum area. To complete the Achievement Application, youth have a maximum of 3 pages to include the following information: collective 4-H experiences, 4-H experiences within the last year, 4-H Leadership Experiences, Non 4-H Leadership Experiences, Community Involvement, and Career Spark.

Hay Springs Junior Robotics
This year the Junior Robotics theme is BoomTown Build. The Junior Robotics program is for youth ages 6 to 10 interested in learning more about robots and problem solving through STEM. This group meets once a week after school from 4 to 5:30 at the Hay Springs School. They then attend a competition in January. Please contact Melissa Mracek at 402-322-0655 if you think your child is interested in participating by September 16th. The first meeting will take place around the first of October.

Shooting Sports Practice
Shooting Sports practice for BB Gun and Air Rifle will start on October 7th. They practice from 3:30 to 7 depending on when the youth show up. During October through December, practice is held the first and third Mondays of the month. In January they will start practicing every month and start attending the Panhandle Best Shoots. Youth need to be registered for 4-H to participate. Parents need to sign waivers the first meeting. Please contact Bruce Salisbury or Donna and Kevin Jech for more information.

Baking Basics
Baking Basics is back!! The first session will take place on Friday, September 13th starting at 10 am and will end at 3 pm. The youth will have the opportunity to cook and start working on their sewing project for the year. The fee for this workshop is $10. Please register by September 6th by contacting Melissa Mracek at mmracek2@unl.edu or (308) 327-2312. This event is open to anyone interested in baking and sewing projects.

Friendly Festival Pajama Party

Friendly Festival is sneaking up on us again!  Once again, Hay Springs High School FBLA will be sponsoring their annual “Kids Night In, Parents Night Out” Pajama Party on both August 23-24(Friday night) and August 24-25(Saturday night) from 7pm-8:30am.  See the flyer by clicking the link below for more details, and REMEMBER, you can SAVE $10 by pre-registering!

FBLA Pajama Party Flyer

HSPS Beef to Lunch Program

I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone who had played a role in the success of the Hay Springs Beef to Hot Lunch program during the 2018-19 school year. The program began by meeting with the western region of the Nebraska Cattlemen in the fall of 2017 in which Mrs. Shavona Henry, member of the Hay Springs Board of Education, and Mr. Lechtenberg the Superintendent attended. Following that meeting, the possibility of establishing this program to support our School Lunch Program was discussed at the Board of Education meeting. With the approval of the board the process began to move forward. Mrs. Henry contacted several area beef producers and we held our first meeting in the school cafeteria. Area beef producers who attended planning meetings included Brian and Muffy Forney, Travis Binger, Alisha Smith, Tara Rasmussen, and Greg Heiting. It appeared, to be obvious that we would have beef producer support to provide high quality locally raised beef for our student lunches. Next we met with Mr. Lambert, the Superintendent at Bridgeport Public School, and had a discussion about the processor they use and the particulars of the program. We then invited Denny Hoagland, the owner and operator of KDK Meats at Bridgeport, to speak at our Board of Education meeting about the slaughter process, packaging and delivery from the locker to the school. All local beef donations to the school lunch program had to be processed in a Federally inspected processing plant.

As the buzz about the potential to have locally raised beef for school lunch meals spread and individuals were contacted about support for the program, we received donations in-kind for freezers from BNSF Railroad and Russ and Sue Lechtenberg, delivery from the ranch to the locker from Greg Heiting, and from the locker to the school freezer by Forney’s, Jen Young, and School personnel. Security First Bank and First State Bank made donations to assist in covering the processing costs. The major donations came from the local beef producers who have donated to this program and include: Sheridan Livestock Auction Co., Judd and Brandy Hoos, Hinn Ranch XT, Marcy Cattle Company, Zach Kraenow Cattle Company, S&V Registered Angus–Don and Mary Vannetta, and Greg and Megan Heiting. We have had a total of seven beefs donated over the past year. We have improved the quality of our school lunch program.

In August and again on the last day of school in May Security 1st Bank brought their grill up and grilled burgers for our students to kick off the beef to lunch program. The school lunch program has utilized this locally grown beef in roasts, hamburgers, taco meat, and a variety of other meat menus. The cooks have developed a burger Thursday where locally grown beef is served every Thursday during the school year. Since the majority of the school lunch program utilizes ground beef in one way or another, the most acceptable quality of beef animals have been cull middle aged cows that have had 60-90 days of feed. We have had some higher quality beef animals donated and they are very much appreciated, but they will still mostly be utilized as roast or ground beef. If you are a beef producer or are involved in an agribusiness that supports our area beef producers, or are supporters of our educational system and are interested in supporting this Beef to School Lunch program please contact the school at 308-638-4434.

On behalf of the Hay Springs students, faculty, staff, kitchen personnel and the Board of Education I want to express gratitude for the tremendous generosity and support of our educational system in getting this program started. As a school district, we are so blessed to have the overwhelming community support of our patrons. — Mr. Lechtenberg

Excellence In Teaching Award Nominations

The Excellence in Teaching Award is sponsored by Security First Bank along with the American Legion.  This award seeks to encourage and recognize the professional and leadership excellence of Hay Springs educators essential for quality education, increase awareness of the positive aspects of education in Nebraska, and promote pride in the school and community.  Please print, fill out, and submit your nomination by Monday, May 6th, 2019.

Excellence In Teaching Nomination Form

Give Back to the Community Day has been rescheduled to April 24th

“Give Back to the Community Day”  has been rescheduled from April 10th to April 24th due to grounds being too wet and more upcoming rain and possible snow. We are seeking businesses, groups, organizations and elderly who are in need of help. Please help spread the word!

Continuous School Improvement

Hay Springs Public Schools is in year 1 of a five year school improvement cycle. During year 1 the school’s objective is to set educational goals. These goals are developed by looking at data from the Nebraska Department of Education report, academic achievement reports, and surveys.

Earlier this school year, 155 community members, staff members, students, and parents partook in the school improvement survey. These results were then divided into common themes. The survey revealed that the school provided a safe environment, the curriculum is meaningful and teachers are accessible and helpful. It also revealed that the amount of technology and its uses were of value.

The survey also showed areas of concern. These areas included the school’s consistency with code of conduct, the schools environmental conditions, and communications between the school and its patrons. To help us further investigate and plan for the next five years we need a little more information from you. Please take the time to answer this short survey.


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