Flags For Sale

Hay Springs Hawks Flags are now available to purchase for $35. These flags are 3′ x 5′ and feature the Hay Springs Hawks logo. Get yours by contacting Mrs. Mandelko at the school or via email(firstname.lastname at hshawks.com) and fly your Hawks pride for everyone to see!


Afternoon of Music

On Sunday, November 21st the high school choir traveled to St Peters Lutheran Church on Mirage Flats, where they participated in an Afternoon of Music with several other performers. It was a wonderful afternoon of thanksgiving and enjoying each other’s musical talents! Thank you for the invitation (and the offering collected for our trip! We are overwhelmed with your generosity!)

Hay Springs Winter Sports Apparel

‘Tis the season to stock up on your Hay Springs Winter Sports Apparel!  Browse the flyer linked below or just head over to the store to see the awesome clothing and more that is available.

Flyer Link: https://d1qp7h00tpj2kq.cloudfront.net/v3/flyer/777/77795/7779564/c04806/7779564-flyer.pdf

Store Link: https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/HS21WINTER

Elementary Fire Hall Visit

Elementary students took a trip to the Hay Springs Fire Department this week to learn about fire safety. Volunteer firefighters Matt Anderson, Craig Housh, and Everette Langford were present to teach students about fire prevention and the steps to take in the event of a fire. HSVFD would like to remind all families to review their fire safety plan, check the batteries in their smoke detectors regularly, and have at least one fire extinguisher in their home.

Tree of Love Thank You!

To the community and Security First Bank Employees:

“I so appreciate the goodies bought through the Tree of Love!” — Ms. Paula Holtmeier

“This year’s Tree of Love provided my class with a ton of lined college ruled paper and plenty of mechanical pencils to go around. It makes such a difference when students tell me they don’t have any paper or a pencil to use. I appreciate the Tree of Love so much! Thank you.” — Mrs. Heidi Beguin

“Thank you so much to the Tree of Love. You are all amazing and so appreciated! I feel so blessed to live in a community that takes care of their school and is so generous buying us supplies. WE LOVE you Hay Springs Community!!” — Ms. Meeks and her 4th Graders

“Thank you so much for all the classroom materials! I appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity! These materials help myself and the students who use them to learn and grow!” — Mrs. Nichole Marcy

“Thank you for your generous donation of a gift card to the library!! This will be great to get some posters and bulletin board materials to display some new content to the students on our new bulletin boards! I appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness!”

“I would really like to give a BIG THANKS for the laundry basket of goodies I got for PE! Thank you so much, it is very much appreciated!” — Mrs. Rachel Mandelko

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for the tree of love project. It means so very much to be cared for!” — Mrs. Raime Varvel

“Thank you so much for the Tree of Love donations to my 5th grade classroom. Your donation ensures my students have the materials they need to be successful. I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness, generosity, and dedication to our community. Thank you.” — Mrs. Jessie Anderson

“Thank you to the community member who donated cars, seaweed chips, poprocks and ping pong balls to the kindergarten. We have enjoyed learning through our senses. Your donation helps to expand our classroom experiences.” — Mrs. Jessica Mintken

“Hay Springs is truly a remarkable little community. Each year there is a tree of love downtown at the bank and community members can support local teachers by purchasing supplies from the teacher wish list they create.”

“Thank you Hay Springs community and Security First Bank for supporting such a special and unique tradition each year! We truly appreciate it!” — Mrs. Crystal VanderMay

“Security First Staff and Community, thank you so very much for the office supplies and coloring books for our students. I want all of you to know that your generous support is greatly appreciated.” — Mr. Mark Hagge

Reminder: Salute The Troops

Remember, at this week’s September 30th football game, we will be doing our “Salute the Troops” night! All military personnel will receive free entry to the game and a tailgate meal. For everyone else, please consider making a free-will donation at the tailgate party to help send our students to Washington, D.C. this year!

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