HSPS 2019-2020 Afternoon Preschool Class Year End Video

We had such an amazing afternoon preschool class this year with all of our morning kids returning and adding some great new friends. I was both happy and sad while creating this video, sad that we had to leave so much unfinished and happy to look back on all the smiles, growth, and learning that we did have together. I hate that we didnt get to end our year with our classmates, to say goodbye, or to give our kiddos a real graduation to celebrate all that they have accomplished. I am so proud of this class and can’t wait to see the amazing things they do next year! It’s tough to think that when I see them next, they will be in kindergarten, but I know that they are ready! Congratulations Hay Springs Preschool Class and parents, have an amazing summer!


HSPS 2019-2020 Morning Preschool Class Year End Video

What an amazing first year of preschool together! I absolutely loved teaching your kids and can not wait to see them again in the fall for our second year together! I wish the end of our school year was different, there are so many ideas that we didn’t get to create and so many pictures I didn’t get to take. But, we did get in tons of playing and learning before we had to leave. I am so proud of all they accomplished both in school and at home. I hope you enjoy this video of our time together. Again, thank you parents! Have a wonderful summer and please let me know if you need anything. 🙂


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