JH Volleyball Tournament

Event: Volleyball
Level: Junior High
Opponent: Garden Co. Bayard, Crawford, St Agnes, Sioux Co. Hay Springs, Gordon/Rushville
Day: Saturday
Date: 10/01/22
Start Time: First Set 9:00 AM (Hemingford vs. Bayard)
Game Order: See Bracket Below
Parking: Please park in the lot on the west of the high school or on the East side of the South Campus building.
Admission: Adults – $4 Students – $2, Children not in school yet are Free.
Passes: NO passes are accepted for our tournaments.

School Pictures 2022

School Pictures 2022

ELEMENTARY/ML/HS PICTURE DAY HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED FOR OCT 4th and 5th. “Moments” by Bev will be doing our school pictures this year. Pictures will be taken in the Auditorium. Please bring picture packets back to school by October 3rd. Thank you!

Tuesday, Oct. 4th
1. Pre –K (AM) first thing
2. Kindergarten
3. 1st
4. 2nd
5. 3rd
6. 4th
7. 5th
8. Public Pictures (11:30am)
9. Afternoon Pre – K (come to school at 11:45 am)
10. Elementary Staff and Para Pictures (when you get a chance to pop in)

Wednesday, Oct 5th
1. 6th and class officers
2. 7th and class officers
3. 8th and class officers
4. 9th and class officers
5. 10th and class officers
6. 11th and class officers
7. 12th class officers
8. Stuco
9. Individual and Group Band Pictures (during band class)
10. Admin Staff, Kitchen Staff, Custodial Staff and ML/HS staff pictures. (Pop in when you get a chance)

Bird Banding

Fourth graders attended the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies presentation on bird banding. While we were there we saw the nets the birds fly into, banding of the birds, weighing of the birds, and we got to hold a felt bird that was a model of a real bird. Students also got to use binoculars and bird books to identify birds and play a bird survival game. We found out that only around 30% of birds that migrate make it to their destination.

Activities Information

Monday, September 19th @ 3:30 PM – JV Volleyball: Hay Springs vs. Crawford @ Hay Springs

Monday, September 19th @ 5:00 PM – JV Football: Hay Springs vs. Crawford @ Hay Springs

Tuesday, September 20th – The cross country meet scheduled in Hot Springs has been cancelled.

Thursday, September 22nd – Varsity volleyball triangular @ Hay Springs will use the following format:
4:00 MT – Hay Springs vs. Kimball
5:00 MT – Kimball vs. Leyton
6:00 MT – Hay Springs vs. Leyton

Friday, September 23rd @ 2:00 PM – Varsity Football: Hay Springs vs. Garden County @ Oshkosh

Tuesday, September 27th – Varsity volleyball triangular @ Hay Springs will use the following format:
4:00 MT – Hay Springs vs. Edgemont
5:00 MT – Edgemont vs. Oelrichs
6:00 MT – Hay Springs vs. Oelrichs

Activities Information

Thursday, September 15th – Salute the Troops Night
Varsity Football: Hay Springs vs. Arthur County @ Hay Springs
-6:00 PM – Tailgate starting – we will be serving hamburgers, chips and dessert. Free will donation. All military personnel will be admitted free to the game and can enjoy a free tailgate meal.
-7:00 PM – Kickoff for football game
-The game will be streamed live on the NFHS Network at the following address: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/hay-springs-high-school-hay-springs-ne/gamb0af28a579
-Jeremy Anderson of KCSR will be broadcasting the game live on your radio dial at 107.7FM KBPY or you can listen at: https://www.chadrad.com
Military Personnel – FREE(for this game only), Adults – $5, Students – $3

Gordon-Rushville Invitational Cross Country Meet

Gordon-Rushville Invitational Cross Country Meet
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Gordon Golf & Country Club
6535 210th Lane, Gordon NE 69343

4:00 PM Middle School Divisions
4:30 PM Girls High School Divisions
5:00 PM Boys High School Divisions
*** All times are Mountain Standard

Middle School- No team score
Varsity Girls score top 4 for team championship
Varsity Boys score top 4 for team championship

Course Length:
Middle School- 1.5 miles
Varsity Girls (5km)
Varsity Boys (5km)

Middle School- Medals for boys and girls through tenth place
Varsity Girls team plaque and medals through tenth place
Varsity Boys team plaque and medals through tenth place

Awards Ceremony:
There will be no awards ceremonies after the meet. Medals and ribbons will be placed in an envelope and sent home with the individual schools. Should that change, I will let you know prior to the meet.

Gordon Golf & Country Club is located on the west end of Gordon.
6535 210th Lane, Gordon NE 69343

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