School Closings

After consultation with COVID-19 Unified Command, it has been determined that all schools in the Nebraska Panhandle will be closed through May 1st, with the possibility of schools being closed for the remainder of the 2019/2020 school year. This decision will be re-evaluated as circumstances change, with parents and families updated accordingly and extended as needed. This is a precautionary measure; there are currently no confirmed cases in the Panhandle; however, local health and school officials are watching the COVID-19 situation in Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota closely. School Superintendents met with Unified Command today and agreed this action would help prevent exposure to our area to flatten the curve and decrease the spread of disease.

Hay Springs Public School will remain consistent with the school calendar in that the last day for Seniors will be on Thursday, May 14th, the last day for students in grades PK-11 will be Thursday, May 21st. More information regarding end of the year activities will be forthcoming as we learn more about the COVID-19 outbreak situation.

A pick up and drop off station for student assignments has been created on the north end of the school in the school garage. The station will be open on Tuesday, March 24th from 7:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Please remember to practice social distancing while in the garage and communicate directly with your child’s classroom teacher to determine if new assignments will be available in this location during this time.

Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation during this time of uncertainty.

Breaking News!


At 5:25 pm on 03/15/2020 Panhandle Public Health was notified by the Nebraska Department of Health that Nebraska’s risk to exposure to COVID-19 has increased substantially. An emergency meeting of the Panhandle Public Health District Unified Command was held at 6:00 pm on March 15th, at that time the decision was made by the 21 schools in the ESU #13 region including HAY SPRINGS SCHOOLS, to NOT BE IN SESSION from March 16 to March 30th. Students are to remain home and practice social distancing.


Elders’ Wisdom Program 2020

Due to health concerns, especially among our older community members, we have decided to try something a little different this year with the Elders’ Wisdom program. We are going to move the program to August 20th, the Thursday before Friendly Festival. We hope this will lead to a larger turnout and hopefully will have better weather for visiting family members.  Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation!

Houses For Sale

Hay Springs Public School are offering two houses for sale to be removed from the property at 342 and 344 North Baker Street. Houses will need to be removed prior to June 15th 2020. The Board of Education will be accepting sealed bids at the April 14th Board of Education Meeting. Bids should be delivered to the Hay Springs School office prior to 4:30 on April 14th 2020. The Board reserves the right to accept or deny any or all bids.

Sophomores Visit WNCC

On Monday, March 2nd, the sophomore Biology/Geometry class traveled to Scottsbluff to visit Western Nebraska Community College. The trip had two objectives, one to see and experience the Automage table which is a tool used for virtual human dissection. The students were able to use the table to look at different body systems and view the connectedness of the body systems.

The second objective was to experience their first college visit. The staff at WNCC did a wonderful job introducing the students to college life, the admissions process, career interests, and the process of choosing a post-secondary institution. It was a fun and productive trip. All the students represented themselves and Hay Springs Public Schools in a very positive manner.

Making Hot Air Balloons

The second and third graders had a joint 2 part Library listening and activity. They first listened to Oh, The Places You’ll Go! at Library this week. Before leaving they told where they would go if they could travel anywhere they wanted. The answers were as varied as the students.

They returned for the activity–making a hot air balloon. Working in pairs (a 2nd grader and a 3rd grader) they blew up and tied their balloons. Not an easy task for many. Then, using straws and tape they connected the balloon to a plastic cup. The final challenge came next. Can you move your cup across the table without touching it. Success was measured in inches, but everyone gave it a try.

4-H News

Edit: Corrected dates on the County Wide Project and the Baking Basic.

Clover Buds
The Hay Springs Clover Bud workshop will be held on March 19th from 4:00 – 5:00 pm. Please register for the Hay Springs event with Erika Gaswick by March 17th. Clover Bud members are youth between the ages of 5 and 7 as of January 1st, 2020. These youth will experience teamwork, social interaction, and decision-making skills while participating in hands on activities. Upon participating in these workshops, youth will have Clover Bud projects to display at the 2020 Sheridan County Fair.

County Wide Project
The County Wide Project will be held on March 20th from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. At this workshop, youth are invited to create a project for Design Decisions and enter at the 2020 Sheridan County Fair. Please register by March 18th, by contacting the Nebraska Extension Sheridan County office at (308) 327-2312. This event is open to anyone interested in weaving.

Baking Basics
The Hay Springs February Baking Basics will be held on March 27th. At this workshop youth will prepare pizza. The youth will also continue to work on their sewing projects. Participants will need to pack a lunch. The fee for this workshop is $10. Please register by March 25th, by contacting the Nebraska Extension Sheridan County office at (308) 327-2312. This event is open to anyone interested in baking and sewing projects.

YQCA in person training
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training must be completed by June 1st for any 4-H member who is planning to take a livestock project (beef, goat, sheep, swine, rabbit, or poultry). Youth can complete the training online at with their family 4-H online login for $12 or register online for an in person training for $3. Melissa will be conducting in person trainings on March 2nd at the Hay Springs school after school that day, March 11th at Extension Office at 1 pm, and at the Extension Office on April 13th at 9 am.

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