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Kindergarten Pumpkin Studies
COVID-19 Update Information
Due to the increase in the number of positive COVID-19 cases in the Panhandle area, Sheridan County, and our Hay Springs community, we are making the following recommendations:
- Hay Springs Public Schools are STRONGLY, STRONGLY recommending the WEARING OF MASKS TO STAY IN SCHOOL
- Staff are also to STRONGLY, STRONGLY recommend to students:
- WEARING OF MASKS TO STAY IN SCHOOL (in school and out of school) in efforts to complete our sports seasons and continue in-person instruction
- Practicing SOCIAL DISTANCING (in school and out of school)
- WASHING OF HANDS and use of SANITIZER (in school and out of school) on a regular basis
As we attempt to complete our sports seasons we are asking fans to please respect the Hay Springs School request as to the WEARING OF MASKS WHEN ATTENDING SCHOOL EVENTS. As we move into district play fans will be required to wear a mask as a directive from the NSAA.
- Home games will be live streamed if you are uncomfortable wearing a mask.
We may also be requesting parent’s support in getting student athletes to and from games to limit the time they spend in other communities.
Finally, a HUGE THANK YOU to our parents for your continued support in monitoring your children’s health before sending them to school. We encourage you to PLEASE continue to do so by monitoring your child’s temperature and if they are ILL KEEP THEM HOME.
School Pictures 2020
ELEMENTARY/ML/HS PICTURE DAY’S HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED FOR OCT 20th and 21st. “moments” by Bev will be doing our school pictures again this year. Pictures will be taken in the Old Auditorium. Please bring picture packets back to school by October 19th. Thank you!
Tuesday, Oct. 20th
1. Pre –K (AM) first thing
2. Kindergarten
3. 1st
4. 2nd
5. 3rd
6. 4th
7. 5th
8. Afternoon Pre – K (come to school at 11:45 am)
9. Staff Pictures
Wednesday, Oct 21st
1. Choir (during class)
2. 6th and class officers
3. 7th and class officers
4. 8th and class officers
5. 9th and class officers
6. 10th and class officers
7. 11th and class officers
8. 12th class officers
9. Student Council
10. One Act
11. FBLA Team
12. FFA Team
13. Individual and Group Band Pictures (during band class)
Elementary Hat And Jersey Day
Volleyball Triangular Live Stream
We will be live streaming the Volleyball Triangular on October 13th starting at 4:00 PM. Please use the link below to view the live stream and be sure to share it with your family and friends!
Volleyball Triangular, Oct. 13th @ 4:00 PM
Freshmen Class Poster
Disney Day
Fire Hall Visit
The elementary students took a trip to the Hay Springs Volunteer Fire Department Wednesday morning. Volunteer firefighters, Craig Housh and Matt Anderson, gave a tour of the fire hall along with the trucks and equipment they use in emergencies. They also stressed the importance of everyone knowing their family’s fire escape plan. Please practice this and make sure everyone knows where to meet It is also important to have working smoke detectors and possibly even a fire extinguisher in your home. Thank you to NWPPD for granting Matt and Craig the time to make this happen.