NSAA Class D6 1st Round Playoffs Hay Springs vs Wallace

NSAA Class D6 1st Round Playoffs Hay Springs vs Wallace

LOCATION: Wallace Public School

KICKOFF TIME: Friday, October 29th, 2021 @ 6:00 CT

CONCESSIONS: Located on the east end of the football field

ADMISSION: $8 adult; $6 student (Passes will NOT be accepted)

PRE-GAME: Starting lineups with 5:00 left on clock, followed by starters.

LIVE STREAM: https://striv.tv/channel/wallace/

Fall Festival of Winds

Congratulations to Abbey Russell, Sam Hindman and Gabe Varvel for being selected to Doane University’s Fall Festival of Winds held in Crete on Saturday, November 6th. These students had to send in a recorded audition and were selected from students all over the state.

PBIS Quarterly Assembly

Kindergarten through 12th grade students celebrated a successful first quarter of the 2021-2022 school year with this year’s first quarterly assembly. One highlight of the assembly was a team building game. Each team had to organize themselves to create a given number. Mr. Hagge then congratulated the student body on their hard work both academically, athletically, and in extra curricular activities as well. We have very talented students in all areas!

Students who made the Honor Roll for the first quarter were announced. The assembly wrapped up with the PBIS team’s drawing for the Breakfast of Champions and announcement of the Student of the Month. Way to go Hawks on a successful beginning of the school year!

Banner County JR Wrestling

Banner County will be hosting a JR High Wrestling tournament on Friday, October 29th with wrestling starting at 9:00 AM.

Medals will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place in each pool.  Concessions will be available and the coaches’ meal will be provided.

Masks are not required but are welcome. We will have hand sanitizer and cleaner available. Mats will be cleaned regularly.

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