
The elementary students participated in the EnvironArt program on January 23rd.  This is a unique program that combines the expertise of an artist and a naturalist to bring science and art together. After learning about the importance of waterfowl and their habitats from the naturalist, the artist guides students in creating a realistic drawing of a North American duck, goose, or swan. Students will finalize their drawings in the coming weeks, and we will submit them to the US Fish & Wildlife Service Junior Duck Stamp Contest.


Community Feedback: Seasons

Kindergarten is learning about the seasons.  We predicted yesterday that summer will be our favorite season, but we are wondering about yours.  Let us know so we can include you on our graph.  We will post the results when we are done.  Please tell us your favorite season by commenting on the facebook post linked below!

Community Interaction via Facebook

Hay Springs School is diving into a new form of community/school interaction via Facebook. The first opportunity comes from the 5th grade taught by Mrs. Anderson. The class would like the community to weigh-in on their ecosystems and the food chain decomposition project.

Fifth graders have been learning about ecosystems and the food chain to develop the idea that plants, animals, and fungi form a system of interdependent parts, with each part dependent of the other parts for its material nourishment.  In our latest investigation, we made mold terrariums to see if the same food will mold faster or slower in different conditions.  Two groups had to test a way that they could encourage decomposition, and two groups had to test a way that would inhibit decomposition.

Group 1: The Popinators – Will adding soda to the food will cause it to decompose more quickly?
Group 2: The Frighties – Will placing mold terrarium in a warm place cause the food to decompose more quickly?
Group A: Camo Princesses – Will adding vinegar to food will inhibit decomposition?
Group B: The Great & Powerful Mold Stoppers – Will placing terrarium in a freezer inhibit decomposition?

For your chance to weigh-in, follow the link below or log onto the Hay Springs Public Schools facebook page.

Weigh-in Here

Flat Stanley

Second Graders read the book Flat Stanley written by Jeff Brown. He was a young boy who was flattened by a bulletin board. He was so flat that he could mail himself in a letter all around and he had great adventures.

Second Grade wanted to make their own Flat Stanleys and mail them around the United States to see what kind of adventures they could have. Our Flat Stanleys brought back pictures, information, souvenirs, treats and even T-shirts for the whole class!

We learned through Flat Stanley about location, traditions and different cultures in our country. Students presented their information to the class and we colored all the states that our Flat Stanleys had visited on our maps!

Oregon Trail Honor Band

Four Hay Springs high school music students participated in The Oregon Trail Honor Band held in Gering, NE on Monday, January 8th. Students spent the day rehearsing and then put on a concert that evening.

In honor of the events 10th year the founder and director, Dr. jay Gilbert from Doane University, composed two selections which the band premiered at the concert.

7th Grade Mousetrap Car Tournament

The Mousetrap Car Tournament champion was Hally Johnson, followed by Toby Scherbarth in second place, and Mia Skinner coming in third. The object of the lesson was for students each to create a vehicle that was solely powered by an unmodified mousetrap. The vehicle was to be no longer than 18 inches and no wider than 10 inches. Students were encouraged to decorate their vehicles but the mousetrap couldn’t be decorated or altered in anyway. Students were able to earn points based on how closely they followed the project guidelines; those winning the tournament earned extra credit.

6th Grader Reader’s Theater

During December the sixth graders practiced on three different Reader’s Theater Plays: “Christmas Truce”, “Reindeer Names”, and “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”. On Tuesday, we performed the plays “Christmas Truce” and “Reindeer Names” for the elementary students.

The “Christmas Truce” is a play set during World War I. A group of German and Britain soldiers agreed to a truce. They decided that there would be no shooting over Christmas. During the truce they exchanged items. The British soldiers were writing letters describing the truce to their families back home. Next we performed “Reindeer Names” by Kathryn Reedy. “Reindeer Names” is a play about how Santa’s Reindeer got their names.

Wednesday, we performed “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” by Dr. Seuss. The Grinch was played by Jordyn Anderson. This play was about a Grinch who tried to steal Christmas but did not succeed. The Grinch realized that Christmas is about giving not just receiving and about the people who we celebrate Christmas with.

We would like to thank the classes who attended and everyone who helped make our plays a success. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

by Alexa, Ava, Gabby, Abbey, Anthony, Gage, Jarhett, Noah K, Noah Y, Taden, & Jordyn

Student Council Sponsors Food Drive

HSPS got into the spirit of the season this week when students and teachers donated food items to the Good Neighbor of Hay Springs. The group was challenged to bring as many items as possible. Classes were competing against one another for a 2-hour early release for Thursday before break. Teachers were promised to get a one-hour late start for their next staff in-service. Seventh graders took high honors and will enjoy an early out; teachers also made their goal and will be rewarded at the next teacher in-service. The Good Neighbor is always in need of items, especially during this time of year. Mrs. Marx and students rallied together and loaded the goods into the suburban and took a trip to the Good Neighbor where more volunteers waited to start putting holiday baskets together for needy families. What a difference a little time and effort can make in the lives of so many. Happy holidays to all from all of us at HSPS!

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