Enrollment is open
4-H enrollment for the 2020-2021 4-H year is now open. Youth can enroll by visiting ne.4honline.com. Members need to enroll prior to participating in Shooting Sports practices. There is a $5 membership fee that can be paid online or at the Extension Office. If you will not be in Rushville, feel free to mail the payment to the 4-H Council at PO Box 23 Rushville, NE 69360.
Holiday Kits
Clover Buds
December 4th 10-11 am – Zoom. Register for this meeting by calling the office at 308-327-2312. Clover Bud members are youth between the ages of 5 and 7 as of January 1st, 2021. These youth will experience teamwork, social interaction, and decision-making skills while participating in hands on activities. Upon participating in these workshops, youth will have Clover Bud projects to display at the 2021 Sheridan County Fair.
Sewing at the Extension Office has been canceled for December due to COVID recommendations.