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Student Of The 2nd Quarter
“Talan consistently demonstrates politeness and respect when interacting with others throughout the building. His positive behavior has made him a role model for younger students.”
“Talan has grown into a nice young man who works well with the elementary students and is helpful around the school. He is fun to watch on the football field or basketball court.”
“Talan Smith consistently comes to school with a positive attitude. He is always punctual for class and actively participates by asking thoughtful and insightful questions. His willingness to help his classmates understand difficult concepts is commendable, showcasing his strong leadership skills. Despite his active involvement in multiple sports and extracurricular activities, Talan maintains excellent grades. His ability to balance these commitments is truly impressive. Additionally, Talan has been exceptional in mentoring our younger students. He takes the initiative to guide them in appropriate behavior and active participation within the school community. His influence helps foster a supportive and respectful environment for everyone.”
“Talan is a perfect example of what being a senior leader means. His interactions with especially elementary students is very amazing to watch, we don’t see that often with a senior in high school. When he needs to roll up his sleeves and get to work, he does. He has been a great student the past few years and will be missed in our school when he graduates. Congrats, Talan this is well deserved.”
“Talan always works hard in class and is willing to help anyone who asks him. I have seen him helping his classmates with assignments on several occasions and he never complains about it. His willingness to help others also shows outside of the classroom. He is a great teammate and a hard worker. Talan has a great attitude and it is great seeing him continue to grow.”
“Congratulations to Talan on being named student of the quarter. He is most deserving of this honor. Talan is a leader in and out of the classroom. He is dedicated to doing his best and leads by example. He is a student who makes my day better. Again, congratulations to Talan for earning this honor.”
“Talan has always had a fabulous work ethic in the classroom. I remember enjoying his writing in 4th grade, he loved writing about his 4H steers. He has a laid back personality and a ready smile. In our kindergarten class we just love to see him when he comes to the elementary, the kids see him as a celebrity. I have enjoyed watchingTalan on the football field, at FFA functions, in the community, and at the school. I personally can’t wait to see what he does for the future.”
Talan is always very helpful as our office assistant. He does everything he is asked to do and he does it well… except for filing. Ha, ha. We will miss him next year!”
“Congratulations Talan! Talan is a great guy. He is willing to help adults or teachers. He is a great athlete on the field or on the court. I believe Talan deserves this award.”
“As I write this, I am honored to be a small part of Talan’s story. I witnessed Talan assisting another student step-by-step apply to multiple colleges. He did this while also applying to colleges himself. He was very selfless, patient, and kind. Talan is also so appreciative and has an amazing set of manners. He is a great leader and very deserving. Congratulations, Talan!”
“Talan is a consistent student. He encourages teammates and classmates. Talan does work without being asked even when he is sick or hurt. He is very dependable and on time, dependable, and has a good attitude. Talan is ready, willing, and humble enough to befriend and encourage underclassmen and elementary students.”
D.C. Trip Meeting
Student Of The 1st Quarter
“Congratulations on Luis’s selection as Student of the Quarter. He is deserving of this honor. Luis has a fun personality and is a joy to have in class. His sense of humor lifts everyone’s mood. He cares about his peers and is always willing to help. I have seen him helping out in the elementary classes, and I know those young Hawks love him. Again, big congrats goes out to Louie.”
“I enjoy having Luis in class and how he always has a positive attitude. He works hard and will always lend a hand to help others, even if that means he may not get his own work done right away. His willingness to help others in and outside the classroom creates a positive environment that benefits everyone. Luis is a great student, but he’s an even better role model and I look forward to seeing him continue to grow and inspire others.”
“This is the first year I have ever had a student aide. It has turned out to be the best thing ever to see this high school student interact with younger students!! It also reminds us all how much younger students look up to our high school student athletes. If Mr. Luis is not in class, all the students are very concerned and want to know where he is. These K-3 students look forward to seeing and playing with him every day in PE. Mr. Luis has no problem ever jumping into being a partner with any student, playing a game, or just plain being a great help. I am very proud to say he is my student aide and deserves this award!!! Congratulations MR. LUIS!!!!”
“Luis is a great young man! He is super with the Kindergarten. Always kind and patient. The kids really look up to him. I also want to comment on what a great athlete he is. My entire family enjoys watching him on the football field. He really puts his heart into it! Congratulations Luis on being student of the quarter!!!”
“Luis is so good with the Kindergarten students when he is helping with Mrs. Mandelko’s class. I love his patience and infectious enthusiasm. Luis is a fabulous athlete and I know a lot of people recognize this but even better he is a good person. I have seen him make mistakes, own up to them and fix them. I have seen him be a truly outstanding individual.”
“Luis does an amazing job working with our younger students as a teachers aide. The kids love him because he helps them constantly and plays with them on their level.”
“Luis is an amazing kid. He is always trying and willing to help others through the toughest of times. He is always a leader and wants to make everyone feel good. Luis works hard for his academics, he will go the extra mile when needed to make sure his academics are caught up. All around, Luis is a great, respectful student who cares for others and will put others before himself.”
“Luis is a hard working, caring, kind, and humble young man. When he walks into a classroom he will always bring a smile to your face with his humor. He has a bright future ahead of him!”
“Luis is one of the most polite students we have. His respectfulness and attitude will take him far in life. He has stepped into the role of an upper classman so well and has shown a lot of leadership skills that will take him far in life! I am very proud of the man he is becoming!”
“Luis is so deserving of Student of the Quarter. He is always polite, friendly, and smiling. No matter when I see him, he makes a point to say hello. Luis shows good character in the classroom, in the hallway, and on the field. He is a great role model for younger students. Congratulations, Luis!”
“Luis has a sweet smile and shows respect to adults.”
“Luis is a strong-minded student who does his best to be kind to others and I have especially seen it with the younger kiddos. I witnessed Luis in the lunchroom with some of the elementary students and all of them acknowledged him by name and he was sure to talk to them and didn’t brush them off. He knows how to make good decisions and I am proud of the individual he is. Keep on, keepin’ on, Luis!”
Thank you to the Student of the Quarter sponsors!
Washington, D.C. Trip Meeting
Veterans Pictures Needed
The Americanism Committee would like to invite all Veterans or families of veterans to submit a picture of themselves or a loved one they would like to honor. If you have a scanned picture you may e-mail it to brad.bounous@hshawks.com or if you have a photo you would like to be scanned please feel free to stop by the office so someone can scan it for you. Please include the name and branch of service.
Aulick Manufacturing
On October 2nd, 6 students traveled to Aulick Manufacturing in Scottsbluff. While there, they toured the facilities, and competed in trivia and a grain trailer gate assembly. There were 42 teams of students who competed. Talan Smith and Dylan Young were in the top 8 teams. Ayden Digmann and Dylan Raymer won the competition and earned themselves some new personalized Aulick gear.
Animals Inside And Out
Hay Springs Elementary 4th graders went to Animals Inside and Out in Chadron. At this engaging presentation, they learned about animal nutrition, digestion, by- products, germination, meat cuts, hearts, and animal needs. It was very neat to feel the heart and the reproductive organs of a cow. Thank you to 4H Extension for this amazing program!
4th Grade Field Trip
K-1 Field Trip
Kindergarten and first grade were invited to participate in Progressive Ag Safety Day in Gordon along with the K-1 students from Gordon-Rushville. Students participated in activities put on by G-R FFA members and community members. Topics included: Lawn mower, tractor, grain bin, water, sun, animal, weather, and food safety. We enjoyed a picnic lunch at the city park. Thank you to all the sponsors of this event!