HS Music Notes

In October the Kindergarten & 1st grade classes will be putting out their fall virtual concert. In December the 2nd & 3rd grade students will be putting out their winter virtual concert.

INSTRUMENT DONATION: If you have an instrument that is just collecting dust, I would encourage you to consider donating it to the school for someone to use! Thank you in advance for consideration!

HS Music Notes

It is SO GOOD to get to be back to making music with your students! In an effort to keep students safe, the music room has made a few adjustments. All classes meet in the auditorium where we have plenty of space to socially distance from each other. All band students have covers for their instruments in an attempt to limit the amount of aerosols put into the room. We are also limiting our rehearsal time.

As of the time this article was due, we are not certain how to proceed with concert planning. As soon as a decision is made and a concert schedule is set, information will go out! Stay tuned…

INSTRUMENT DONATION: If you have an instrument that is just collecting dust, I would encourage you to consider donating it to the school for someone to use! Thank you in advance for considering it!!

High School Band will be again selling Little Caesars Pizza Kits from 9/7-9/24! If you are interested and no one has stopped by to see you give the school a call and we will make sure to get someone to you!

Upcoming dates:
Keep an eye out for dates in the near future!

HS Music Notes

Congratulations to the following students for being selected into Class D All State Band held in Kearney, NE at UNK on Saturday, March 28th: Angelica Volquardsen (Jazz Band); Jocelyn Varvel (Wind Ensemble); Gabriel Varvel (Wind Ensemble); Ashley Tobiasson (Symphonic Band) & Sam Hindman (Symphonic Band) & Mia Skinner (Symphonic Band).

Congratulations to Sam Hindman, Logan DeCoste & Gabe Varvel for being accepted into the CSC Honor Jazz Band. These students will rehearse on Monday evenings from 7-8:30pm with a final concert on Monday, March 23rd from 7-8pm.

4th-6th Grade students will have a program on Tuesday, March 24th at 7pm. 4th & 5th graders will present a musical all about being a good friend that the high school performing arts class has written. The 6th graders will perform Musical Planet where they have researched different countries and perform songs from these countries. The 5th grade & 6th grade bands will also perform. Looking forward to sharing this with you all!

Please give a big Hay Springs Hawks welcome to Ms. Ghita Dykes who recently joined our music team as our new accompanist! We are very thankful to have her aboard! Ghita is working with our 7th/8th grade choir, our high school choir and solo’s and small groups as well as our instrumental solo’s! Keep an eye out for her at our middle level/high school Pre-Contest Concert!

Upcoming dates:
CSC Honor Jazz Band Monday, March 23rd
4th-6th Grade Spring Concert Tuesday, March 24th
Class D All State-UNK Saturday, March 28th
PANCO Music Contest Monday, March 30th Edgemont
Pre-Contest Concert & Recital Tuesday, April 21st @ 7pm
District Music Contest Wednesday, April 22nd-Alliance High School

CSC Honor Jazz Band

Congratulations to Sam Hindman, Logan DeCoste & Gabe Varvel for being accepted into the CSC honor Jazz Band. This group will rehearse on Monday evenings from 7-8:30pm with a final concert on Monday, March 23rd starting at 7pm in Memorial Hall at CSC.

HS Music Notes

Congratulations to the following students for being selected into Oregon Trail Honor Band held on January, 13th, 2020 at Alliance High School:

Flute – Ashley Tobiasson
Alto Sax – Sam Hindman
Tenor Sax – Angelica Volquardson
Baritone Euphonium – Jocelyn Varvel
Tuba – Gabriel Varvel

Upcoming dates:
Pep Band — Girls Varsity Game Thursday, January 9th
Oregon Trail Honor Band Monday, January 13th @ Alliance High School
Pep Band — Boys Varsity Game Tuesday, January 28th
Pep Band — Girls Varsity Game Friday, January 31st
Pep Band — Boys Varsity Game Tuesday, February 4th
Little Caesars Sales Wednesday, February 5th-20th
Pep Band — Girls Varsity Game Tuesday, February 11th
Pep Band — Boys Varsity Game Thursday, February 13th
Little Caesars Delivery Wednesday, March 4th
4th-6th Grade Spring Concert Tuesday, March 24th
Class D All State-UNK Saturday, March 28th
PANCO Music Contest Monday, March 30th @ Edgemont
Pre-Contest Concert & Recital Tuesday, April 21st @ 7pm
District Music Contest Wednesday, April 22nd @ Alliance High School

PANCO Honor Band

On Wednesday, November 6th the high school band students participated in the PANCO mass band. The PANCO schools band students came together and created one large band, rehearsed throughout the day with a guest clinician, Dr. John Wojick from Chadron State College. They then performed a concert with each school performing a featured selection at the concert. Despite long rehearsals and some pretty scary roads, it was an enjoyable day!

HS Music Notes

Please note a date change for the Santa Soup Cook-off and the Night, the Lights and Music concert! Both of these events will be held on Sunday, December 8th with the concert beginning at 3pm and the cook-off following the concert! Sorry for the change of date-please make this change on your calendars!

CALLING ALL SINGERS! We are having a community choir for the Nights, the Lights and Music concert. Rehearsals are on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm in the music room. Mrs. Jungck is again be our fearless leader! Spread the word and bring a friend!

Upcoming dates:
SUNDAY, December 8th — 3pm Auditorium — ML/HS band & choir

Music Notes – Updated!

Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade will be having their fall concert in the auditorium on Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30pm. K/1 will be doing a musical called Old MacDonald’s Farm and 2nd & 3rd grade will be doing one called Where the Wild Things Are.

4th grade students have been working on the recorder the last few weeks! These students are doing an amazing job! They may be the best recorder players I’ve ever had! If you know a 4th grader, ask them to play for you!

5th grade band is up and running! Students are working on their first 5 notes! I’m trying to send home a video to all the parents each Thursday so they can see the progress these students make. What a fun time!

Please note a date change for the Santa Soup Cook-off and the Night, the Lights and Music concert! Both of these events will be held on Sunday, December 8th with the concert beginning at 3pm and the cook-off following the concert! Sorry for the change of date-please make this change on your calendars!

CALLING ALL SINGERS! We will once again be having a community choir for the Nights, the Lights and Music concert. Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, October 20th from 6:30-8:00pm in the music room. Mrs. Jungck will again be our fearless leader! Spread the word and bring a friend!

Upcoming dates:
Friday, September 27th, 12:30pm HAWK Stadium – PEP BAND
Saturday, September 28th, 8am depart; 5pm return – CSC Homecoming
Tuesday, October 8 6:30pm, Auditorium – K-3 Fall Concert
Friday, October 18th 12:30pm, HAWK Stadium – PEP BAND
SUNDAY, December 8th 3pm, AuditoriumML/HS band & choir

Branson Band Trip

A huge thank you to Hay Springs Public School and the community for supporting our music trip Branson! It was an amazing experience that we could not have done without you and your support! If you see one of these students, make sure to ask them about their experience!

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