Class Supply List 2022-2023

Hay Springs Public School Class Supply List for the 2022-2023 School Year


Pre-K AM & PM

  • 1 regular backpack, labeled with student’s name
  • Extra change of clothing (labeled)
  • 1-75 count container of Clorox Wipes
  • 1 composition notebook (labeled)

Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade

  • $25 – paid to Hay Springs Public Schools; due on the first day school
  • Backpack, labeled with student’s name
  • Water Bottle that closes (labeled)
  • Gym shoes with non-marking soles (labeled)
  • 1 box of Kleenex (do not label)
  • 1 – 75 count container of Clorox Wipes (do not label)
  • Kindergarten Only – Extra set of clothing (labeled)
  • 1st through 5th Grade – Ear buds or headphones (labeled)

Pre-K & Elementary Notice

  • Label all supplies (except those marked as do not label) with student’s name in permanent marker.
  • Send supplies on the first day of school.
  • Please do not purchase items unless indicated.
  • 25$ owed to Hay Springs School due the first day of school for supplies.

6th-8th Grade

  • 2 – 2” 3 ring binder
  • Pens (red, black, blue)
  • Pencils
  • 2 ~ Notebook
  • Headphones
  • 2 ~ Graph Paper notebook
  • Simple Calculator
  • Highlighters (blue, green, yellow, pink)
  • 2 ~ 3×5 packs of note cards
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Protractor
  • Compass
  • Ruler
  • Physical education classes require gym shoes, gym clothes, and gym bag

9th-12th Grade

  • Calculator (T1-83)
  • Compass
  • Lined Notebooks
  • Graph Paper notebook
  • Binder (2” or larger) 3 ring
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Highlighters
  • Markers (8 count think or thin)
  • Markers (Black extra fine sharpie)
  • Protractor
  • Ruler
  • Geometry – Bound book of notecards
  • Physical Education Classes – gym shoes, gym clothes, and gym bag

St. Patrick’s Day Activities

The 6th grade careers and tech class has been busy planning and creating rotation stations for the first grade class.  The 6th graders led the 1st graders through a series of activities including a scavenger hunt, minute to win it challenges, stories, and much more!  The celebration concluded with homemade cupcakes made by the 6th grade class.

Middle Level Track

There will be a very quick JH track meeting today Monday, the 14th after school. JH track will start next Monday, the 21st. JH will join the HS in going to Chadron for practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A calendar will be given out at the meeting.

Panhandle Conference JH Boys Basketball Tournament

Panhandle Conference JH Boys Basketball Tournament
January 31, 2022

-Tournament will begin at 9:00 am on January 31, 2022. We will be using a bracket tournament format. Teams were drawn out of a hat. The host team gets a bye. This will be a single elimination tournament.

-Ticket prices will be $5.00 for adults and $4.00 for students. The admission is good for the entire tournament. Cheerleaders, in uniform, will be admitted free along with coaches, managers and bus drivers.

-Presentation of the 1st place plaque will take place after the championship game.

-No passes will be accepted. Coaches, players, managers, and bus drivers will be stamped upon arrival.

-Starting time for the first game will be 9:00 am and will continue throughout the day with games. We will only take a short break before the championship game if one of the final teams must meet the mandatory rest time.

-The team listed on top will be considered the home team. Privileges assigned to the home and visiting teams will be the same as in any game. We ask that the home team be responsible for the official book unless other arrangements are agreed upon in advance.



Breakfast of Champions, Part 1

Drawn Kindergarten-2nd grade and 6th-8th grade students went to the 2nd quarter Breakfast of Champions on Wednesday, January 11th. Students were drawn out of the 2nd quarter Hawk Bucks recipients. Students receive Hawk Bucks for exhibiting positive behavior at school. When selected, students are welcome to bring an adult to the breakfast where they have donuts, orange juice, and get the chance to play games! The breakfast of champions is sponsored by PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports)

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