Hay Springs Public School staff members have the opportunity to participate in a wellness program sponsored by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Nebraska. The wellness program encourages participants to track healthy behaviors through quarterly and monthly challenges. Members who complete the challenges are then entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card. As part of this wellness program, Hay Springs also participates in the extra incentive program, ELEVATE. ELEVATE includes a financial incentive for both the employee and the wellness group. If employees meet all the requirements for the ELEVATE program, they will receive a $150 gift card. If 50% of the members meet the requirements, then the wellness program will receive a $5000 grant to be used for employee health and wellness for the 2020/2021 school year. We just wrapped up our ELEVATE fiscal year, and are patiently waiting for the announcement that we received the grant. The Wellness Team has several ideas on how to use the grant to enhance employee wellness. We will share those plans when they have been finalized.

Farmers Grow Communities

Last fall, like I do every year, I entered the Farmers Grow Communities contest, sponsored by the Bayer Fund, and it was my LUCKY year! America’s Farmers Grow Communities partners with farmers to support nonprofit organizations to strengthen rural communities. The program offers farmers the chance to direct a $2,500 donation to a nonprofit of their choice. When I found out I had won in January, I was extremely excited! After talking it over with Rick, we decided to donate it to the nonprofit organization that means the most to me, Hay Springs Public School. I chose to split the money between the Elder’s Wisdom program and the Veterans Day program, the two programs that I hold near and dear to my heart. I hope that this $2,500 donation will allow these programs to continue for years to come. I feel they grow our rural community of Hay Springs by bridging the gap between generations and growing our youth through the wisdom of our elders. Farmers watch for the postcard in the mail and enter the contest, it might just be your LUCKY year!

–Emma Strotheide

New Masks

Surgical mask, medical mask PNG

To All Parents and Students of Hay Springs Public School,

Due to the amount of positive COVID-19 cases in our area, Hay Springs Public School is strongly recommending all students wear a mask.  We have received a supply of masks from ESU #13 and those masks have been distributed to all students and staff.  We want our students and staff to be safe and healthy and in class! Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, and as always, if you have any questions and/or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact the school.


Mr. Lechtenberg, Superintendent


Covid-19 Guidance/Information

Public Health Recommendations for the Screening, Exclusion, and Re-Admittance of Ill Students and Staff for COVID-19 in Schools

Parent Communication for Ill Students during COVID-19


Screening,_Exclusion,_and_Re-Admittance_of_Ill_Students_and_Staff_for_COVID-19_in_Schools_08042020 Parent_Communication_for_Ill_Students_during_COVID-19 Case_Investigation_Schools_Aug18
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