Flags For Sale

Hay Springs Hawks Flags are now available to purchase for $35. These flags are 3′ x 5′ and feature the Hay Springs Hawks logo. Get yours by contacting Mrs. Mandelko at the school or via email(firstname.lastname at hshawks.com) and fly your Hawks pride for everyone to see!


Hay Springs Winter Sports Apparel

‘Tis the season to stock up on your Hay Springs Winter Sports Apparel!  Browse the flyer linked below or just head over to the store to see the awesome clothing and more that is available.

Flyer Link: https://d1qp7h00tpj2kq.cloudfront.net/v3/flyer/777/77795/7779564/c04806/7779564-flyer.pdf

Store Link: https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/HS21WINTER

School Picture Day 2021

ELEMENTARY/ML/HS PICTURE DAY’S HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED FOR OCT 12th and 13th. “moments” by Bev will be doing our school pictures this year. Pictures will be taken in the auditorium. Please bring picture packets back to school by October 7th. Thank you!


Tuesday, Oct. 12th
1. Pre –K (AM) first thing
2. Kindergarten
3. 1st
4. 2nd
5. 3rd
6. 4th
7. 5th
8. Afternoon Pre – K

Wednesday, Oct. 13th
1. Choir (during class)
2. Journalism (during class)
3. 6th and class officers
4. 7th and class officers
5. 8th and class officers
6. 9th and class officers
7. 10th and class officers
8. 11th and class officers
9. 12th class officers
10. Student Council
11. One Act
12. FBLA Team
13. FFA Team
14. ESports
15. Individual and Group Band Pictures (during band class)

  • Shop Hawk Shop Clothing and Apparel