Walking In Circles

Need your steps?  Come join the elementary at recess time for the 100 lap club.  You can now see students walking around the Lister parking lot striving to reach the goal of 100 laps.  Come rain or shine, they have been working hard to enter this exclusive club!


Hour of Code

This week students at Hay Springs School will be participating in the Hour of Code. Hour of Code is held each year to increase awareness and participation in computer science, especially to girls and underrepresented minorities.

It is always during the week including December 9th in honor of Grace Hopper’s birthday. Hopper was one of the pioneer computer programmers. She served in the Navy and retired as a Rear Admiral. She is sometimes called “Amazing Grace” because of her accomplishments and Naval rank. A Navy guided-missile destroyer was named after her.

Hour of Code began in 2013 by Hadi and Ali Partovi. Hour of Code has spread to include 25 countries, 40 U. S. states and almost 200 U.S. cities and school districts. This includes Hay Springs which has been participating since 2013. Over 500 million students worldwide have participated in the program. To learn more about Hour of Code check this link. There are over 100 activities on their site from one hour introductory tutorials to full courses.

Fire Safety Week

Three members of the Hay Springs Volunteer Fire Department took time out of their day to meet with elementary students for Fire Safety Week. Craig Housh, Matt Anderson, and Terry Bronson talked with students about the importance of knowing what to do in case of a fire. Please review your family’s plan with your child including: a safe meeting location, how to call 911, knowing their home address, and having a safe exit out of the house.

Flexible Seating

Second Grade teacher Mrs. Vander May signed her class up for a Donors Choose project asking for donations for flexible seating. Last week the donations were met including a donation of magazine and box tops fundraising. The second grade classroom has a complete set of unique seats for each student to use! Using these different types of seats we hope to gain muscle strength and balance, and have the ability to let their little bodies wiggle while focusing. Thank you to everyone who donated and helped fund-raise!

2nd Grade Post Office Field Trip

Second grade asked for a Scholastic book sponsor to provide $9 for each student to receive a dollar book each month for the rest of the year.  We had an overwhelming group of sponsors from Hay Springs, Nebraska to Oklahoma! So we practiced our friendly letters, wrote “thank you” letters, took a class picture of everyone with their new books, and finally made an exciting trip to the post office to stamp, send, and sort our letters as we learned how postal workers are community helpers! We also found our personal mailboxes from the postal worker side!

Dot Day 2018

Dot Day is September 15th-ish. Officially it is the 15th, but if you can’t do it on that day, you do it when you can. We are reading The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds and creating different dot projects. The Dot is the story of a girl who thinks she can’t draw, but an understanding art teacher gives her the courage and creativity to draw numerous dots. She passes this message on to a small boy who says “I can’t even draw a straight line with a ruler.” Click on Dot Day to see the students’ work. Different projects will be added all week so continue to check in.

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