Elementary Fire Hall Visit

Elementary students took a trip to the Hay Springs Fire Department this week to learn about fire safety. Volunteer firefighters Matt Anderson, Craig Housh, and Everette Langford were present to teach students about fire prevention and the steps to take in the event of a fire. HSVFD would like to remind all families to review their fire safety plan, check the batteries in their smoke detectors regularly, and have at least one fire extinguisher in their home.

Magician In Cafeteria

The Cravath Memorial Library is pleased to announce that famed magician Jeff Quinn will be back this summer! You may remember his amazing performance from two years ago. This year he will stun us again with his Reading Safari Magic Show! šŸ§™

šŸ¦ Join us June 4th at 10am in the school cafeteria for a safari adventure šŸ¦

Elementary Awards Show

On Tuesday, May 18th, 2021, Hay Springs Public School held the elementary awards show in the auditorium.Ā  Awards were given out to students in each grade who exhibited excellence in academics as well as good attendance, following the SOAR expectations, and in a variety of other categories.Ā  A special award was given to Mrs. Olson for her amazing volunteer work she does for the school and the community!Ā  Congratulations to ALL of our elementary students on a great school year!

Scooter Parade

Kindergarten and First Grade celebrated a successful year with a Scooter Day! They decorated their scooters and paraded around the nursing home. A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this fun for the kiddos! We are scooting right into summer!

Kindergarten and Angelmanā€™s Syndrome

Last week Kindergarten had a special visitor, Ava Stock. Ava came to visit and tell us about Angelmanā€™s syndrome. We learned that her DNA doesnā€™t follow the ABAB pattern. She has two dad genes next to each other. We learned how we were like Ava (she likes pizza and so do we) and how we are different (she canā€™t walk yet, but we can). We finished out the week supporting Angelmanā€™s syndrome by participating in the Angelmanā€™s syndrome walk!


Trout Release

Fifth graders have spent the last several months raising Rainbow Trout. Last Thursday was release day! We were fortunate to get permission from Nebraska Game & Parks to release them at Walgren Lake. After the release, we went on a “Water Bug Hunt”. Some “water bugs,” or macroinvertebrates, are more sensitive or tolerant of pollutants than others, so they can be a good indicator of water quality.

Trout Dissection

Fifth and sixth graders dissected trout last Thursday with the Trout in the Classroom program. Students learned about the functions of a trout’s internal and external anatomy. They identified different organs such as the liver, kidney, heart, gallbladder, and stomach. They also extracted the lens from the eye. A fish’s lens is spherical which helps them to see in all directions.


The second and third grade classes went on a field trip Wednesday, May 5th to Agsplosion in Bridgeport, Nebraska. We had a great hands-on learning experience about the importance of agriculture and learned about the farm to table process with beef, potatoes, swine, beans, irrigation, corn, machinery, dairy and wheat.

Conservation Festival

On Tuesday, May 4th, the fifth graders attended the Conservation Festival in Chadron hosted by UWNRD. Students visited 8 different presenters who set up hands-on stations to teach about conservation. A few of the stations students experienced were the GPS Scavenger Hunt, Weed Watchers, Migratory Birds Game, Tree Cookies, and always a favorite, the Water Rockets. We had a great day and learned more about how to protect our valuable natural resources. A few students take-aways from the day:

*I learned about aquifers and how water flows through.
*I learned that it is hard for birds to migrate.
*I learned that peeling bark off trees is bad.
*I learned how to use a GPS.
*I learned about different noxious weeds in Nebraska.
*I learned how weeds spread.
*I learned that tree rings will grow bigger if it is healthy.

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