Please Take Our 2022-2023 CIP Survey

As part of the Continuing Improvement Program at Hay Springs Public Schools, we not only measure the academic success of our students, but also the quality of relationships with parents, staff, and community members.  To measure the perceptions of our school, the committee has prepared a survey specifically for each target group.  Your participation in this survey will help us focus our efforts on improving the learning experience for our students, the working environment for our teachers and staff, and our relationships with parents and community members.  Thank
you for taking the time to help Hay Springs Public Schools continue to empower students to achieve lifelong success for years to come.

Please follow this link to complete the survey!

Clothes and Apparel

Link to Cross Country and Football shirts. This is not a fundraiser. This is open now to order and will close on August 1st at midnight. Should be delivered around the first week of September.

Link to Hay Springs Fall Apparel.  This store is also open now to order and will close August 4th.

With two stores to choose from you should be able to find the clothes you need!

Hot Lunch Information

Hay Springs School: 2022-23 School Lunch


According to the Nebraska Child Nutrition Program, school meals will NO longer be provided free of charge for the upcoming school year.  Free and reduced meal applications will be mailed in mid-July.  Be on the lookout for these forms.  Please fill out and return even if you do not qualify.  Completed forms are needed to help with State Aid and Federal Funds that help to fund and support our district.  Any questions, please call 308-638-4434.

Public Notice

The Hay Springs Board of Education is accepting applications to fill a vacancy on the board beginning July 1st, 2022 until December 31st of 2024. Letters of application should be submitted to the Hay Springs School Office of Superintendent by June 10th and applicants should plan to be available at the June 13th, 2022 Board meeting for interviews.

2022 Junior/Senior Prom

The 2022 Prom will be held in the auditorium on April 30th. The Grand March will be held in the auditorium beginning at 8:30. The doors will open to the public at 8:15 p.m. to attend the Grand March and parent dance ONLY. All public, including parents, are asked to leave immediately following the parent dance so that the students can enjoy spending the evening with their classmates and friends. This is a reminder to parents and students that only students in grades 9-12 are eligible to attend prom. In addition, 9th & 10th grade students must be eligible the week of April 25th in order to attend prom.

De-escalation Workshop

De-escalation Workshop to be held April 20th, 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM MDT.  An opportunity to learn more strategies for coping and handling stressful situations in the home and how to defuse situations without hands-on.  This workshop is intended for parents and other caregivers raising children with mental health and/or behavioral challenges.

Please visit the following website for more information:

  • Shop Hawk Shop Clothing and Apparel