5th Grade Pumpkin Investigation

Fifth grade got their hands dirty with some pumpkin math! Before digging into their pumpkins, they counted the lines, found the circumference, weight and height, and observed if pumpkins sink or float when submerged in water. Then they dig in and counted how many seeds their pumpkin had. According to the data they collected, they concluded that the greater the circumference, the greater the number of seeds.

PBIS Quarterly Assembly

Kindergarten through 12th grade students celebrated a successful first quarter of the 2021-2022 school year with this year’s first quarterly assembly. One highlight of the assembly was a team building game. Each team had to organize themselves to create a given number. Mr. Hagge then congratulated the student body on their hard work both academically, athletically, and in extra curricular activities as well. We have very talented students in all areas!

Students who made the Honor Roll for the first quarter were announced. The assembly wrapped up with the PBIS team’s drawing for the Breakfast of Champions and announcement of the Student of the Month. Way to go Hawks on a successful beginning of the school year!

Space Day

Fifth graders recently attended Launching Nebraska-Nauts into the 4-C’able Future. We had a full day learning about space exploration, listening to real life astronauts in space, utilizing critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity to accomplish tasks, and hearing from business and industry professionals. We appreciate the Nebraska Extension and 4-H staff for hosting this event and allowing us to experience a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Independent Living

This week in Independent Living we made a scarecrow for the Community Fun Club Scarecrow Contest. Some of us students made pumpkin seeds from the pumpkin scarecrow head. We learned how to sew buttons today. In this class we learn several life skills every week. So far we’ve cooked many recipes, made homemade play-dough with kool-aid, written papers about social-awareness, tasted the difference between spices, and learned what types of flour to cook with depending on what we’re making. We also were taught how to calculate taxes, and money management. This prepares us for our future because while we did that, we also learned how to manage our money with rent, groceries, and insurance involved. We learn important things like this on a weekly basis. This is good because it prepares us for life in the future and also gives us knowledge and skills that we can use on a daily basis. –Nevaeh

7th Grade Team Building

Today the 7th-grade class participated in a Team Building Exercise: Fill the Glass. In groups of four students had to work as a team to get the water from a bottle into a glass without spilling it to the table or the customer. One team member had a blindfold and was guided by two other team members to the table where there is a waiting customer. Once at the table students had to talk the waiter to the glass to empty the bottle of water.

It was fun to see students working together to get a task accomplished. Students had fun and said it was a bit scary at the same time. Allowing yourself to be guided by someone else takes a lot of trust.

Kindergarten Thank You

Thank you to the community member who bought us seaweed, pop rocks and cars. This week we used our senses and decided that seaweed is gross, and pop rocks make noise in our mouth. We have also enjoyed tracing our letters with the cars. It is truly a blessing to teach in such a great community.

Elementary Awards Show

On Tuesday, May 18th, 2021, Hay Springs Public School held the elementary awards show in the auditorium.  Awards were given out to students in each grade who exhibited excellence in academics as well as good attendance, following the SOAR expectations, and in a variety of other categories.  A special award was given to Mrs. Olson for her amazing volunteer work she does for the school and the community!  Congratulations to ALL of our elementary students on a great school year!

Trout Release

Fifth graders have spent the last several months raising Rainbow Trout. Last Thursday was release day! We were fortunate to get permission from Nebraska Game & Parks to release them at Walgren Lake. After the release, we went on a “Water Bug Hunt”. Some “water bugs,” or macroinvertebrates, are more sensitive or tolerant of pollutants than others, so they can be a good indicator of water quality.

Trout Dissection

Fifth and sixth graders dissected trout last Thursday with the Trout in the Classroom program. Students learned about the functions of a trout’s internal and external anatomy. They identified different organs such as the liver, kidney, heart, gallbladder, and stomach. They also extracted the lens from the eye. A fish’s lens is spherical which helps them to see in all directions.

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