Non-Public Hearing

On September 13, 2021 at 1:00 p.m., a meeting conducted by Sheridan County School District #3 will take place in the Hawks Nest at Hay Springs High School. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide an opportunity for parents and representatives of nonpublic schools to participate in the development of a plan for providing special education services to children with disabilities who attend nonpublic schools and home schools which are within the Sheridan County District #3 for the 2021-2022 school year. Parents of a home-schooled child identified with a disability and attending a nonpublic school within the boundaries of Sheridan County School District #3, are urged to attend. If you have further questions pertaining to this meeting, please contact the office at (308) 638-4434.

COVID Update

The following is the latest up-date from PPHD concerning COVID positive cases:

We have learned that our recommendation for school-aged children identified as close contacts to stay home, does not align with state truancy guidelines; hopefully, more to come from NDE.

We are changing our recommendation based on this information:  Public Health will encourage school-aged household close contacts to wear a mask and monitor for symptoms for 14 days.

Below is our script when we talk to parents with school-aged children identified as a close contact of a household member.

According to DHHS school guidance, school-aged children are required to self-monitor for fever or other symptoms for 14 days.  Public health recommends that your child wear a mask at school for those 14 days.  Your child does not need to stay home unless they develop symptoms or test positive.  If they have symptoms or test positive, they will need to isolate at home.

Adults and younger children will need to quarantine at home.  Vaccinated people do not need to quarantine; they will be asked to mask and monitor for 14 days.

We are sending this information out to parents so you have the latest PPHD guidance. We are finding that some parents are choosing to keep their school-aged children home when there is a positive household contact; we as a school district will support you in that decision. Please keep the school office informed if you have ill family members or positive test results and continue to monitor your children’s temp before they come to school.

See also the Contact Tracing Packet sent to positives that are not school-aged.  As cases increase, we are asking non-school-aged positive cases to notify their close contacts.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, or PPHD if you experience confusion, challenges, or need clarity with a situation.  I am sure we can get through another year working together.

Mr. Lechtenberg

Garage Sale

Hay Springs Public School is holding a garage sale on Saturday, August 28th, 2021 from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Please stop by after the Friendly Festival parade and have a look, you never know what kind of treasures you might find! There are many items, too numerous to list(no really, there are all kinds of odds and ends!). Here are a few of the highlights:

18+ all-in-one desks (pictured)
3 teacher desks – various styles
6 filing cabinets
4 media cart/television/vcr combos
7 office chairs
2 lawn mowers, 4 weed eaters – parts/refurbish
12 computer desks – need resurfaced (pictured)
55 gallon terrarium
Milk cooler, steam table
Various electrical boxes, supplies, conduit
High wattage incandescent bulbs (football lights)
Sewing machine
Doorknob/lock sets – including skeleton key style
Various home electronic devices(stereo, vcrs, dvd players, etc.)
Blacklight bulbs
Tractor feed computer paper(antique!)
Under-desk mats
Wood Planers (one pictured)
Drill press (pictured)

Staff In-Service

The Hay Springs staff ended their three-day in-service last week with a little bit of relaxation and rejuvenating prior to greeting parents and students at the open house. Dahn and Mandy Hagge prepared delicious fruit and vegetable trays, meat and cheese trays, cupcakes and some refreshing punch. The staff was engaged in three days of classroom preparation, curriculum and student management planning, PBIS in-service and data analysis as we continue with our school improvement process. Staff were also involved in numerous committee meetings. Thanks to the Hagge’s for their efforts!

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