NSAA State Football Championship Information

NSAA Football Championship Dates & Kickoff Times – Cope Stadium – Kearney, NE 2708 12th Ave. Friday, Nov. 16: Class D6 Final – 7:00 p.m. CT

Ticket Information – Cope Stadium – Kearney
• Kearney Tickets for the championship finals are $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for students. Tickets will go on sale at 5:30 PM and be sold at: West Stadium and Northeast Stadium. Tickets are also available online at: https://gofan.co/app/school/NSAA

Championship Seating – Cope Stadium – Kearney
• West Stadium – Home Team: Hay Springs
• East Stadium – Visiting Team: Wilcox-Hildreth
**Handicap Seating is available in the West Stadium and East Stadium

Gates to Enter – Cope Stadium – Kearney
• West Stadium and Northeast Stadium

Stadium Restrictions – Cope Stadium & Memorial Stadium
• As a reminder to fans, umbrellas and talcum/baby powder are not allowed. Artificial noise makers such as thunder sticks, cow bells, air horns, whistles, etc. are prohibited at NSAA championship events.
• All students and spectators are required to wear shirts. Spectators are allowed to bring stadium seats. There is not a clear bag policy at Cope Stadium in Kearney
• All Team followers are expected to exhibit sportsmanlike behavior during the Championship game. Any person becoming disorderly will be removed from the game site by security.
• All students and spectators are to stay off the field at the conclusion of the Championship game.
• Signs and banners that are not directed at the opposition and are not derogatory in nature may be placed on the fence facing their crowd behind the team bench. Sign and banners should not be carried around the field. Team flags may be waved in front of their assigned school section only. Students are not to run with school flags in front of the stands or on the field when the team comes out.

NFHS Network Coverage
• The NFHS Network will provide live online video coverage of the 2018 NSAA Class D6 State Football Championship Final in Kearney beginning at 7:00 p.m. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/nsaa

NSAA State Apparel
Parents and fans can pre order apparel to save on shipping and pick up their orders up at the Custom Sports trailer, they will also have apparel to buy from. They will be located at the west side by gate #3 look for the Custom Sports trailer. https://nebraskascreenprinting.com/product-category/nsaa-state-championships-apparel/nsaa-football/

NSAA State Football Beanie $15.00

NSAA State Football Beanie $15.00

NSAA State Football Cap $20.00

NSAA State Football Cap $20.00

NSAA State Football Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve, Crewneck Sweatshirt, Hooded Sweatshirt $16.00–$32.00

NSAA State Football Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve, Crewneck Sweatshirt, Hooded Sweatshirt $16.00–$32.00

NSAA State Football Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve, Crewneck Sweatshirt, Hooded Sweatshirt $16.00–$32.00

NSAA State Football Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve, Crewneck Sweatshirt, Hooded Sweatshirt $16.00–$32.00

Tomorrow’s Game Live Stream

The NSAA in conjunction with NFHSNetwork will be live streaming tomorrow’s football game.  Unfortunately, this is not a free to view stream and you will have to pay a one month $9.95 subscription fee to view the game.  Perhaps a better option is to just come to the game!  Click the link below to find out more information about the stream:


Looking for Volunteer Workers

Our milk crate seating in the library is so popular that we have purchased the materials to make some more. Now we are looking for some volunteers and some additional tools.

Here is the plan:
1. Sand the board so there are not sharp corners. NEEDED: volunteers with sanders or sandpaper
2. Attach the fabric and foam to the boards. NEEDED: volunteers with heavy duty staplers
3. Attach the cleats to the bottom of the boards so they stay in place. NEEDED: volunteers with drills and screw bits

Join us on Sunday, November 11 at 2:00.

One Act Fundraiser

The Hay Springs One Act Team will be selling “Stormn’ Norman” t-shirts to help defray the cost of putting on our play. If you are not familiar with who Stormn’ Norman is you can follow him on Facebook by searching Stormn’ Norman or @StormnNormantheAlpaca. Norman is an alpaca who is an unofficial mascot and goodwill ambassador of the Hawks. Norm shows up to school and school functions to promote all the good things going on at the school.

Adult t-shirts and be purchased for $17; XXL and XXXL sizes will be more. Children’s sizes are $15 and long sleeve versions are $20. If you wish not to purchase a shirt but donate money that option is also available.

Shirts can be purchased online and shipped to the school for free or shipped to your home for a small fee. They can also be purchased by check or cash by contacting Brad Bounous or a member of the cast.

If you have any questions you can call Mr. Bounous at the school or e-mail him at brad.bounous@hshawks.com

Thank you for all your support!

Click here to order online!

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