4-H News

Shooting Sports Practice

Shooting Sports practice for BB Gun and Air Rifle will start on October 7th. They practice from 3:30 to 7 depending on when the youth show up. During October through December, practice is held the first and third Mondays of the month. In January they will start practicing every month and start attending the Panhandle Best Shoots. Youth need to be registered for 4-H to participate. Parents need to sign waivers the first meeting. Please contact Bruce Salisbury or Donna and Kevin Jech for more information.

Baking Basics

The October Baking Basics will be held on November 1st. At this workshop youth will prepare for the colder weather while baking some delicious treats. The youth will continue to work on their sewing project for the year. The fee for this workshop is $10. Please register by October 28th by contacting Melissa Mracek at mmracek2@unl.edu or (308) 327-2312. This event is open to anyone interested in baking and sewing projects.

Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Certification Workshop Offered in Chadron

Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Certification Workshop is scheduled for early October in Chadron. It will be held October 12-13 at the Dawes County Fairgrounds in Chadron. The deadline to register for the Chadron training is October 2nd by 5 pm.

Volunteers have the opportunity to become certified as an adult (21 years and older) or apprentice (14-20 years old) leader. Four project areas will be offered at the Workshop – rifle, shotgun, pistol, and coordinator. The Coordinator certification being offered in Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports is for individuals who work with certified shooting sports leaders, 4-H club leaders for shooting sports projects, or 4-H volunteers managing shooting sports events/competitions.                           

The registration fee is $110.00 per person for initial certification and those individuals adding an additional discipline except for Apprentice Instructors. The registration fee for Apprentice Instructors is $90 for this workshop. This fee includes meals, supplies and program materials. The registration fee after October 2nd is $160. Participants must make their own lodging arrangements. Registration on Saturday runs from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

For more workshop information and registration link, go to https://events.unl.edu/NE4H-Shooting-Sports/search/?q=Shooting+Sports+Leader.  Or contact Nebraska Extension-Sheridan County Office at (308) 327-2312. Registration is available only online at the link provided in the brochure or they can register directly by clicking https://events.unl.edu/NE4H-Shooting-Sports/search/?q=Shooting+Sports+Leader.

Clover Bud Workshops

The Hay Springs Clover Bud workshops will be held on the third Thursday of the month starting on October 17th from 4 to 5 pm. Clover Bud members are youth between the ages of 5 and 7 as of January 1st, 2020. These youth will experience teamwork, social interaction, and decision making skills while participating in hands on activities. Upon participating in these workshops, youth will have Clover Bud projects to display at the 2020 Sheridan County Fair. To register your child for these FREE events please contact Erika Gaswick or the Nebraska Extension Sheridan County office at (308) 327-2312.

Music Notes – Updated!

Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade will be having their fall concert in the auditorium on Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30pm. K/1 will be doing a musical called Old MacDonald’s Farm and 2nd & 3rd grade will be doing one called Where the Wild Things Are.

4th grade students have been working on the recorder the last few weeks! These students are doing an amazing job! They may be the best recorder players I’ve ever had! If you know a 4th grader, ask them to play for you!

5th grade band is up and running! Students are working on their first 5 notes! I’m trying to send home a video to all the parents each Thursday so they can see the progress these students make. What a fun time!

Please note a date change for the Santa Soup Cook-off and the Night, the Lights and Music concert! Both of these events will be held on Sunday, December 8th with the concert beginning at 3pm and the cook-off following the concert! Sorry for the change of date-please make this change on your calendars!

CALLING ALL SINGERS! We will once again be having a community choir for the Nights, the Lights and Music concert. Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, October 20th from 6:30-8:00pm in the music room. Mrs. Jungck will again be our fearless leader! Spread the word and bring a friend!

Upcoming dates:
Friday, September 27th, 12:30pm HAWK Stadium – PEP BAND
Saturday, September 28th, 8am depart; 5pm return – CSC Homecoming
Tuesday, October 8 6:30pm, Auditorium – K-3 Fall Concert
Friday, October 18th 12:30pm, HAWK Stadium – PEP BAND
SUNDAY, December 8th 3pm, AuditoriumML/HS band & choir

2019 Panhandle Conference JH Volleyball Tournament

Sept. 28th, 2019 at St. Agnes
PRICES: $5 for Adults, $4 for Students
PASSES: No Passes will be accepted. Please identify your players, coaches, managers, and bus driver to be admitted free
LOCKER ROOMS: Will be assigned
HOME TEAM: The team listed on the top bracket
VISITORS: The team listed on the bottom bracket
WARM-UP: First game played will be 16 minutes. Games after that will be 8 minutes 1-3-3-1
FORMAT: 2 sets to 25, 3rd game to 15
OFFICIAL SCOREKEEPER: The HOME team will be the official book.
TIMES: First games are listed. Rest of the games will be played 8 minutes after the previous game


Red Ribbon Week

The Red Ribbon Campaign started in 1980, by a group of parents who thought they should help and teach about drug prevention. This year’s theme is Send a Message-Stay Drug Free. We will be promoting Red Ribbon week be having dress up days.
Monday Oct. 28- Sock it to Drugs- Wear Crazy Socks
Tuesday Oct. 29- Be Drug Free- Wear Red
Wednesday Oct. 30- Hawks Don’t do Drugs – Wear green, yellow, hawk gear and hats
Thursday Oct. 31- Scare away Drugs- Wear your Halloween attire and put on your costumes at 3:00


Congratulations to the following students who were selected to receive a tier II reinforcer for the month of August:
KG-2 – Ariah Johnson
3rd – 5th – Kaytee Kaiser
6-8th – Bo Thies
9-12th – Kaden Langford

At some point during the month these students received a HAWK BUCK, placing them in a drawing for a tier II reinforcer. Students were allowed to select one of the following activities!
Kingergarten-2nd grade:
1. “FAMILY NIGHT BAG” – over the weekend, the student gets to borrow the “family night bag”, which includes games, movies, popcorn etc.
2. Eat dinner with an adult of your choice.
3. Phone call from Principal – Principal to make a positive call home about student’s success in PBIS
4. Special Chair – student gets to sit in a special chair all day.

3rd-6th grade:
1. 5 minute stand up – Get in front of your class and get them to laughing
2. Be a Mentor – student can provide mentor/tutor for another class/grade level. Like reading to younger children
3. Brain break choice – student selects what brain break the class will do.
4. Bring a drink to school – student can bring a drink to class.

7th-12th grade:
1. Assist Custodian
2. Lead the Pledge
3. Helper in Another Classroom
4. Choose music for release bells for week
5. Serve Lunch
6. Introduce Players at a Ball Game
7. “Assistant” Principal for a period

The 1st quarterly PBIS assembly will be held on Monday October 21st! The public is welcomed and encouraged to attend. This will be a school-wide assembly honoring some of our out-standing students!

Hawks’ Library News

Fourth and Fifth Grade
Fourth and fifth graders are learning how to locate books in the catalog then use the call numbers to locate the books on the shelves. Dewey Decimal System by numbers and Fiction by author last name. Dewey Decimal System, the library’s secret code that everyone can learn. Just ask Scooter Hayes of Wilmington, North Carolina. While working on an assignment for his Masters in Library Science he wrote a rap video explaining the Dewey Decimal System. Check it out: https://www.teachertube.com/videos/dewey-rap-204545

First Grade
The first graders learned about the planets in class this week. On Thursday they put that knowledge and a LOT of air to work blowing up and arranging an inflatable solar system. Saturn even has a ring. The solar system will be hung on the south end of the library for all to see. Thanks to Julie Rasmussen for the loan of the solar system.

Book Fair (Oct 14-25)
Ben Mikaelsen Author visit (Oct 14)
Parent Teacher Conf (Oct 24)

Free Learning Websites
Switcheroo Zoo
Watch, listen and learn about amazing animals.

National Geographic for Kids
Learn about geography and animals.

Storyline Online
Members of the Screen Actors Guild read books online.

Reading and math practices for K-6 students

PBS Kids
Games and Videos with favorite PBS characters.

Junior High Football

The 2019 junior high hawks football team will be bringing back 7 players from last year’s team and 3 new 7th graders that joined this year. The kids are picking up the new offense very well and are working very hard. Coach Paben and coach Salazar were the junior high track coaches the previous season. Coach Paben has also been the assistant high school football and boys’ basketball coach the past two seasons. He is excited to be the head junior high football coach. Coach Paben says, “The boys are extremely coach-able and are looking forward to their games.”

Parent Institute Newsletter

Parents make the difference! is a four-page, evidence-based newsletter that provides practical, proven information for parents, on a comprehensive array of school success topics, in a format that is best for you and your school.

Please click the link below to check out this month’s newsletter:

Parents make the difference! October 2019 newsletter

Parents make the difference! October 2019 calendar

4th Grade “Eggsperiment”

So we have two winners, Emily Forney and Brayden Heiting, of the Eggsperiment! 4th grade had to design a safe cushion for their egg (relating to seatbelts and crashes) to survive a drop from our landing to the cement below.  Fun was had by all….eggsept some cracked eggs!

EducationQuest College Planning Bulletin

The October bulletin covers the following topics:

  • It’s FAFSA time!
  • Seniors, are you ready to Apply2College?
  • Meet with college reps at upcoming events
  • Winning the scholarship game
  • October “To Do” List

Please click the link below to check out this month’s bulletin:


  • Shop Hawk Shop Clothing and Apparel