Three Hawk Wrestlers are State Bound

Hay Springs High School sent 50% of their wrestlers to state this year. Three of the six boys qualified at districts for the state competition. The three boys that are competing are Stevin Horrocks, Joe Johnson, and Levi Ray. The other members of the team are Chris Ray, Jordan Houser, and Kolten Marx. This is the first year in several that Hay Springs has had wrestlers qualify for the state competition.  At the district competition Stevin and Joe both placed third in their weight classes and Levi placed fourth in his weight class. Jordan lost in the heart-break round and neither Chris nor Kolten made it to the heart-break round.

The boys will be competing in Omaha this week at the Quest Center. The first round takes place on February 16 at 4:30 pm (CT). If you would like to keep track of how the boys do, go to Stevin is in weight class 220, Levi is weight class 126 and Joe is weight class 132. For a schedule of events go to .

KCSR and will also be providing coverage of these and other local wrestling matches at 3:30 pm (MT) today.

School Play – The Students Win!

Well ladies and gentlemen, as much as I hate to say it…The Students Won!!!  This year’s All-School Play will be a murder mystery!  It is called ‘Murder by the Book’ written by Craig Sodaro.  This will be a fun show and we will get to incorporate a lot of students into the production, whether it be acting, student directing, sound, lights, costume assistants, or make-up assistants.  I am very excited for the start of this production.  We will be having auditions after state basketball!  The weekend for the show has been tentatively set for May  10th-13th.  If you want to help out in any way with this production, please do not hesitate to contact me!  Thanks, Coach Heesacker

School Play to be Announced

It’s that exciting time of year when the Drama Department is making the final decisions on what play to perform for the All-School Play!  By the end of January we will have the decision made.  Last week I met with the students to discuss what type of play they wanted to do.  The students informed me that they would like to do either a murder mystery or a comedy, or better yet a comedic murder mystery.  I tried to persuade them to do a classical piece like Taming of the Shrew or Twelfth Night, but I think I gave them enough Shakespeare in the One Act play of Romeo & Beatrice and Toto, too this year.  Next time we meet I will have narrowed the search down to three plays and the students will be the deciding factor.  Keep on the look out for what exciting piece we will be performing, and to see if the students won with the murder mystery or if I won with the classical!

State of the School Report

We continue to hear the rumor that Hay Springs Public School is closing.  Let me make it very clear:


Financially:  We have paid off all operational loans, have adequate month-to-month funds to pay bills, and have increased our ending cash balance the last three years.  Many cost saving strategies have been implemented.  We are fiscally solvent.

Academically: We are one of the top performing schools in the Panhandle and State.  We perform well above the State average on the Nebraska State Assessment and the ACT.  We score at or towards the top of every academic measurement.

Facilities: We continue to improve school district facilities. We put walls in the elementary school, new handicapped doors on the main entrance and lunchroom, replaced concrete as needed, replaced the roof on the High School, and we have addressed other deferred maintenance.

Staff: Across the board we have outstanding teachers and support staff.  They come early, stay late, and work on the weekends.  Our employees are dedicated to helping our students be successful. Every student receives individual assistance if needed.  Every teacher, paraprofessional, secretary, cook, custodian, and bus driver focuses on what’s best for our students.

Students: Our students are exceptional, work hard, and care about learning.  They are taking responsibility for their own learning.  On top of that they are involved in multiple activities.  Without exception we are seeing improvement on our assessment tests.

Parents: Our parents are supportive and want their children to receive the best education possible. We get 100% attendance at our parent/teacher conferences.

We would ask that if you hear this rumor you contact the school and I will personally contact the person who is making these false statements.  Be proud and supportive of your school, students, and staff.  They are the future of Hay Springs.

Stephen Pummel
Superintendent of Schools

Student Attendance Improved

Thanks to all parents for supporting the school to improve student attendance.   So far this school year we have a 96.97% (Almost 97%) attendance rate.  This is up from 94.42% during the 2009-2010 school year.  That’s a great improvement!

Parents be aware, the Department of Education is monitoring all students’ attendance.  We are required monthly to turn in student absences.  Your child’s attendance is monitored along with their State Assessment scores. It’s imperative you send your child to school everyday.

There is a direct correlation between attendance and student success.  Students that have excellent attendance are more successful in school.  Along with that Colleges and potential employers receive attendance information and use that to determine acceptance into college, special programs, or a job.

We would ask parents to assist with the following.

  1. Schedule appointments after school or on Friday whenever possible.
  2. If your child is not running a fever, throwing up, or obviously sick, send them to school.  Often students want to stay home when they have a big test or project due.
  3. Perhaps most important, make certain your child has a regular bedtime.  Plenty of sleep will make it easier to get your child up in the morning for school.
  4. Middle and High School students are notorious for using their cell phones, texting, or using their computer well into the late evening and early morning hours.  An easy solution would be take the cell phone at bedtime and if possible turn the wireless Internet off when kids go to bed.
  5. Monitor the school calendar and schedule vacations and trips when school is not in session.  With the four-day school week students need to be in school everyday.

When your child is ill or has to miss school remember to call the office and report them as sick.

Basketball & Wrestling Parent’s Night

February 9th, 2012

Hawks vs. Crawford Basketball Games 3pm

Wrestlers and basketball players will be announced between the Boys’ JV and Girls’ Varsity basketball games. Parents need to line up in the back hallway of Lister immediately following the end of the Boys’ JV game. After parents are announced, the warm-up for Girls’ Varsity will begin.

Jump Rope for Heart

2nd through 5th grade students will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart (JRFH).  We will start our JRFH at the beginning of February.  These students will have 2 fundraising packets this year:  one for Jump Rope for Heart and one for Kyler Kelly.  All money in the JRFH packet will go to the American Heart Association.  All money in Kyler’s packet will go to the Kyler Kelly account at Security 1st Bank. Kyler Kelly is the newborn son of Keith and Adriene Kelly of Hay Springs and has recently had heart surgery at Children’s Hospital in Omaha.

Best practices when donating:

  • Please be specific as to which cause you want your money to go to.
  • Make sure your name and the correct amount of money is put on the correct envelope immediately.
  • Checks are preferred. When writing your check, please make it payable to either: Kyler Kelly Account or Jump Rope for Heart.

Summer Fun Camps

We again are planning to offer a wide variety of “fun” camps this summer.  We are looking for individuals and community groups who are interested in teaching a camp this summer.  These camps can be full day or half day, one-day, two-day, or four-day camps, or even longer if needed.  We are open to all ideas you may have regarding new camps.  Give us a call to share your ideas and suggestions.

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