Academic Fair Scheduled

This year’s Academic Fair is scheduled for May 15th from 4:30 to 6:00 pm in Lister-Sage. Students, grades PK-12, will have projects on display. The schedule for special presentations will be posted. Look for possible Reader’s Theatre, Rockets, Balloon and CO2 cars. Come and see what we’ve been up to.

Girls’ Basketball will be hosting a meal from 4:30 to 6:30 pm on the Balcony of Lister—$5 a plate.

Summer School Returns

I am sure that everyone has heard we will be having summer school again this summer.  I’m also sure that many of you have questions.  Summer school will run from June 4 through June 28.  It will start at 8:30 and run until 1:30 pm.  We are planning to have a summer lunch program.  Details will be made available at a later date.  Teachers will be here to help students.  At the elementary and middle school levels, students have been assigned summer school based on assessment scores and teacher recommendation.  The primary focus will be on reading skills, but some work will also be done in math to help maintain math skills.  If a student at the middle school fails a core class they will also need to attend summer school in order to move to the next grade level.  At the high school, students who failed a core class will attend summer school to attempt credit recovery.  For this summer we will be offering select classes in math, science, English, and social science.

If your elementary or middle school child has been assigned summer school you will be receiving a letter before school is out.  If your high school student failed a first semester class you should also receive a letter before school is out.  If your child fails a second semester class you will receive a letter shortly after final grades have been posted.

We will be offering a one week summer session for high-ability learners in grades 1-8 in June also.  This session will be by invitation only based on student assessment scores.  Your child should receive an invitation prior to the end of school if they qualify.  Qualifying high school students will also receive an invitation to attend an orientation session and then help with the younger students.

In addition to these we are also again offering a variety of fun summer camps for kids this summer.  Flyers will be out soon.


Graduation 2012

Hay Springs High School

Class of 2012

Class Colors

Green and White

Class Flower

White Gerber Daisy with Green Center

Class Motto

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

Graduation will be held at 3:00 p.m. Sunday, May 20, 2012 in the Lister-Sage Community Building. The doors will be open to the public at 2:00 p.m. Each family will have reserved seats on the floor. If you do not have a reserved seat, please sit in the stands.


Music Contest Right Around the Corner

District Music Contest will be held in Alliance, Wednesday, April 18th. If you would like to come and enjoy a day of music or just stop in and listen to a select group, we would love to see you there! The schedule is as follows:

  • 8:00 am Clarinet Trio
  • 8:06 am Flute Duet
  • 8:24 am Brittany solo
  • 9:06 am Jen solo
  • 9:12 am Katie solo
  • 9:24 am Mixed chorus ensemble
  • 9:30 am Jordan solo
  • 9:36 am Mixed Brass quartet
  • 9:42 am Low Brass trio
  • 9:48 am Mixed instrument ensemble
  • 10:20 am  Swing Choir
  • 3:17 pm Band performs

Note to Parents: Your music student has been provided information regarding leave times, lunch, dress, and performances. (Click “information” to view.)

Awards Programs


The academic/activity awards program for Grades 6-12 is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 2012 in the High School Auditorium. The order of events is below:

5:30 pm: Pot Luck Meal in Cafeteria*

7:00 pm: Awards Program in Auditorium

*Security First Bank will provide the meat. All families participating in the meal need to bring two covered dishes with serving pieces (side, salad, or dessert). Families can drop food off in the cafeteria anytime after 5:00 pm. Students need to be accompanied by their parents. Remember to take your dishes home after the Awards Program.

Families are welcome to go directly to the auditorium at 7:00 pm for the Awards Program, if you do not wish to attend the pot luck dinner.



The elementary awards program is scheduled for Thursday, May 24th, following the Field Day events. It will be held in the school cafeteria. After the awards program, students will return to class for final dismissal.


Prom 2012

The 2012 Prom will be held in the old gym on May 5th.   The banquet and dinner will begin at 5:00 p.m. Pictures will begin at 6:30 p.m.  The Grand March will be held in the gym beginning at 8:30.  The doors will open to the public at 8:15 p.m. to attend the Grand March and parent dance ONLY.  All public, including parents, are asked to leave immediately following the parent dance so that the students can enjoy spending the evening with their classmates and friends.

Notice of Prom Eligibility: This is a reminder to parents and students that only students in grades 9-12 are eligible to attend prom.  In addition 9th & 10th grade students must be eligible the week of April 30th in order to attend prom.


Elders’ Wisdom 2012 Video Available

The 2012 Elders’ Wisdom Program video is now available! It’s just over 54 minutes long and in addition to the evening’s programming, it includes the original documentaries and Nebraska video. Click on either link below to view – no account needed. Sign up to Vimeo – it’s free and easy – to download a video to your computer for offline viewing or burning to a DVD.

High Resolution Video (208 MB)

Low Resolution Video (For Slower Internet Connections – 32 MB)

Music Notes

The final 9 weeks!  Where has the time gone?

For parents of 4th, 5th, 6th , 7th or 8th graders; you should still be hearing instruments being practiced.  The 4th graders are expected to practice 30 minutes a week on their recorders; the 5th-8th graders are to be practicing 60 minutes a week on their instrument.  Please remember that beginning band meets on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:15-4:45.  This rehearsal is open to any band students, it counts as 6th-8th graders practice times if they choose to come!

A BIG thank you to everyone who supported our Deli International fund raiser.  You should be enjoying your products by now!  Look for us to be selling again in February of 2013!

District Music Contest will be held in Alliance on Wednesday, April 18th.  This will involve the Swing Choir, Concert Choir and Concert Band.  The concert band will consist of 7th-9th grade students.  6th grade band students will not be attending.  I have not received a schedule and will do my best to communicate that with you once I have it.

We will be holding Swing Choir auditions on May 22nd at 6:30 pm.  This audition will be open to 8th-11th grade students.  There will be swing choir camps on May 1st, 8th & 15th from 7:15-7:50 am, where students will learn a dance combination and a section of a song.  A panel audition will be held on May 22nd beginning at 6:30pm.  Further details will be provided at a later date.


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