Meeting for Music Parents

fundraiserThere will be an informational meeting for 8th-11th grade music parents whose students are interested in going on a music trip in the Spring of 2014 on Tuesday, February 5th at 7pm in the music room.  We will discuss the trip itself, the cost and fundraising options.  Please plan to attend!

4th Grade Students Begin Band

music notes1Any household with a 4th grade student should be hearing the toot of a new instrument!  Please remember that music students 4th-8th grade are expected to practice at least 60 minutes a week.  Parents are suppose to sign the practice record on Sunday of each week so their students can turn them in for a grade.

Beginning Band Schedule: Each week we will have individual sectionals with the different families of instruments.  On Mondays I will meet with the woodwinds (flutes, clarinets & Alto Sax’s); on Tuesdays I will work with the Brass instruments (Trumpets, Trombones & Baritones) on Wednesdays I will be with the percussionist and then on Thursday we will have a full band rehearsal!  Please help your beginning band students remember their supplies (instrument & book) for band rehearsal on their assigned days.

School Improvement External Team Visit

A+External Team Visit:  Every five years all schools in Nebraska go through a “School Improvement External Team Visit” conducted by the Department of Education.  On November 19-20 a team of three came to Hay Springs and conducted their visit.

The purpose of the External Visitation is to assist the school in selecting or fulfilling school improvement goals and plans by adding an outside, objective view of the school improvement procedures.  The visit also is meant to increase the depth of understanding for moving forward to achieve school improvement goals.  The team directs the school by way of commending them on their accomplishments and recommending tasks that will enhance or improve the school’s improvement process.

The team’s focus was on gathering evidence.  They toured the school, interviewed students, staff, parents, and community, visited classrooms, and examined the schools test results and academic progress.  At the conclusion of their visit they held an exit conference to review their findings.  The school district also received a written document of findings.

The Visiting Team’s Commendations:

1.  Stakeholders Commitment to the School:  All stakeholders are committed to the success of the school.  The school showed very supportive and quality staff, administration, students, parents, and community.  All stakeholders were aware of the academic and monetary situations the school was dealing with. They noted that the commitment for change and school improvement was highly evident.

2.  Commitment to Academics:  The Visiting Team noted that the school’s curriculum is embedded within the school district.  Staff was committed to the school’s academic goals.  All staff attends common trainings to ensure fidelity of instruction.  Many remediation programs and rules were implemented to ensure student learning.  The Visiting team noted the jump from the PLAS list (persistently lowest achieving school’s list) to the 35th in reading shows great academic success.

The Visiting Team’s Recommendations:

1.  Enhance Technology Integration within Classroom Instruction:  The team noted that Hay Springs had abundant technology that was being used by instructional staff and students.  They encouraged continued training for staff and students.

2.  Complete a Professional Development Plan Tied to School Improvement.  The Visiting Team noted that our professional development opportunities are tied to school improvement.   They suggested we put the plan it writing.  The plan should also incorporate the training of new staff that are added to the district.

3.  Include Writing Goals/Strategies Within the School Improvement Plan:  Writing was our lowest area in the most recent testing.  The Visiting Team suggested we include writing as one our district goals and develop professional development to address this goal. The district has begun working on this area.

The External Visiting Team praised Hay Springs Public Schools for the accomplishments and improvements that were made from the visit five years ago.  If you would like additional information stop by the office and we will share more details of the final report.

Parent’s Afternoon

Parent’s Afternoon (instead of Parent’s Night) has been set for this Saturday, Feb. 2nd game.  We are asking parents to please be there before 3:00 pm. There will also be a pancake feed and hoop shoot scholarship event.  See You There!!

School Play Announced

On March 14 at 3:00 p.m. and March 15 at 7:00 p.m., Hay Springs students, grades 8-12 will present No, No, A Million Times No! Tryouts will be held on Friday, January 25 at 10:00 a.m. in the high school auditorium. Stay tuned for a list of cast members!

In this hilarious old time melodrama, we find ourselves at the Farm Motel of Pappy Quackenbush and his daughter Nellie. The rotten, but handsome, Stafford Blackman lured Nellie to the Big City with the promise of wedlock (so she thinks!). She realizes her mistake in time, and flees to the comfort of her country home. Blackman follows her and dastardly deeds begin. Our hero, Noble Hart, must save Nellie! Can he? Will he find her in time? With several sub-romances involved in the plot, this melodrama is a riot from start to finish! Hope to see you all at the performances!

Beth Jungck and Raime Varvel, Directors

Driver’s Ed Class Scheduled

driver's edDriver’s Education classes will be held at Rushville Middle School, June 17-21st, 8am to noon. You must have a learner’s permit to attend.

*Register online at or call the Nebraska Safety Council at 402-483-2511. You may also download, print, and fill out the registration. Registrations are accepted up to one week prior to the first class date. The instructor for the course is Mark VanHorn (308-432-5325).

School Security

With the recent school shooting in Connecticut every school district across the nation is reviewing their school safety and security plans.  While Hay Springs and Hay Springs Public Schools is a very safe community and school, precautions still need to be taken to address safety.

Our Board of Education recently reviewed our school safety measures.  Beginning immediately, all exterior doors will be locked at all times throughout the school day.  The main office door is the only entrance into the building. Use front entrance only: We ask all visitors and parents use the front entrance only.  Please do not knock or seek entrance into other school doors.  Students and staff have been instructed not to allow entrance into the building except through the front office door. We have moved the office secretary’s desk to allow her direct vision of the front door.



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