March BOOK Madness

4th graders participated in March BOOK Madness. This year the books were Past Champions vs. Newbies. Our winner was a past champion called Rescue and Jessica: A Life Changing Friendship. It was about a young lady that had both of her legs amputated and how a service dog supported her. See if you agree with us, is this the best book?

Activity Info – Week of 4/08/24

Monday, April 8, 2024
What: Bayard JH Invite Track and Field Meet
Where: Bayard High School, Bayard, NE
When: Field Events @ 9:00 AM, Track Events @ 10:00 AM, see attached schedule

Saturday, April 13, 2024
What: Alliance Invitational Track & Field Meet
Where: Alliance High School, Alliance, NE
When: Field Events @ 9:00 AM, Track Events @ 11:00 AM, see attached schedule

The Life and Drive of Mari Sandoz

Peg Gilbert presented “The Life and Drive of Mari Sandoz” to 4th and 5th graders. They had read “Mari Sandoz A Wild Flower” by Evelyn B Hisel earlier this year. Peg dressed as Mari and talked of the hardships and challenges of the Sandhills, as well as, Mari’s accomplishments as an author. Peg’s presentation was brought to us by Humanities Nebraska. Humanities Nebraska provides major funding for programs. Humanities Nebraska receives support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Nebraska State Legislature, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment and private donations.

Paraprofessional Appreciation Day

Today is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day! What is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day you may ask? Here is what We Are Teachers says on the subject(they also mention some neat ways to celebrate Paraprofessionals):

Paraprofessionals, or paras, teaching assistants, or instructional assistants, do a little of everything in schools. They support classes, are assigned to specific students in special education, help with substituting and supporting the general running of the school, and help supervise students.

Parapros are—we’ll say it—not paid enough for the work they do each day. Paraprofessional Appreciation Day is a chance to put them in the spotlight and recognize the dedication they bring to students each day.

So, a HUGE thank you to the Paras at Hay Springs Public School: Twila, Mindie, Cara, Carrie, Jake, and MaKena!  You guys ROCK!

Pledge Helpers

Our morning Pre-K kids leading the Pledge of Allegiance today.  Thank you girls!

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

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