Updates to your child’s personal information

Parents:  It’s that time again!! If you have any changes that need to be made regarding your child’s personal info. (phone contacts, emergency contacts or address, etc.) please email or call the school with the updated info. If this doesn’t work for you please have your child bring the changes with them the first day of school and drop off at the office. 

Email changes to :  adriene.kelly@panesu.org

or call 308-638-4434


Knee Injury Prevention Day Camp, grades 7-12

Chadron Community Hospital is offering a Knee Injury Prevention Day Camp

When:   Thursday, Aug 8th

Time: 6-8 pm

Where: Chadron High School

Jumping and agility drills to highlight knee postioning with education and video on proper knee postioning. Live drills to help prevent injury. Free t-shirt, $25 per camper, Grades 7-12. 

To enroll or inquire call Chadron Community Hospital 308-432-0232

Concussion Testing for upcoming 6th grade and new students interested in playing any sports.

Required Concussion Testing- for upcoming 6th grade and new students interested in participating in any sports. This has to be done before you can participate.

When:  Aug 7th (First day of school, dismssal at noon)

Where: Alliance, NE

Time: 2 p.m.

Bus will leave here at 1:00 p.m.  Don’t be Late!!!

$5  per student, bring money with you.

Geocaching in Sheridan County

Looking for a fun, year-round,  family activity to do right here in Sheridan County, how about geocaching?  Nineteen youth and five adults from Gordon to Chadron and one youth from Bozeman, MT recently learned to play the game of geocaching.  A one-day class, part of the Hay Springs Schools summer fun camps, was organized and presented by the University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension as part of their youth programming. The class introduced the participants to how GPS technology works and how to play the geocaching game. Playing the game gives youth an opportunity to use the GPS technology, practice problem solving, get outdoors and see parts of the area they might not otherwise visit and is a fun way to spend time with a key adult.

Geocaching is an outdoor activity, where the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or smart phone and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called “geocaches”. Geocaching is a world-wide electronic treasure hunt game started  in the spring of 2000 when GPS signals with increased accuracy were released for public use. There are hundreds of caches across the state of Nebraska and the Northern Panhandle has well over a hundred. (see map).  To learn more about the game, checkout www.geocaching.com or give UNL Extension Educator Cindy Tusler a call at 327-2312.  GPS units are available to checkout at the Extension office.

geocachingPoints2013_A GeocachingHaySprings2013

Robotics Summer Camp

Hay Springs School is hosting a GEAR-TECH-21 geospatial and robotics camp July 29th through August 2nd.  The camp will run from 8:30 to 3:30 each day.  This camp is for 4th to 8th graders.  Please register by July 8th.

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