Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week

October 28 – 31, 2013

 Theme for week

 “We’ve got the right stuff to be drug free”

Monday – Red Day:  wear red

Tuesday – Sports Day: wear your favorite hat & jersey

Wednesday – Pajama Day

Thursday – Costume Day:  Say Boo to Drugs!

Fall Book Fair Underway

Our fall book fair is underway. Books are available for preview in the elementary library after school and during Parent-Teacher conferences on October 24th from 4 to 8 p.m. You can also scan and Shop the Online Book Fair for more choices.  The online fair runs through November 5.

book fair scan

2nd Annual Santa’s Bake Shop

christmas cookiesWhat:    Let’s get together to make and decorate sugar cookies! It will be a Take Some – Share Some. That is, you will take some of the cookies you made home to enjoy, and, others will be shared with Hay Springs’ elders. We’ll get a youth delivery team together to get the cookies out to our older generation.

Where:   At the Hay Springs School Cafeteria

When:    Sunday December 8, 2013   Sugar cookie “construction” starts at 1:00 PM and we’ll probably be finished by 3:00 PM.

How Can You Design a Solution to a Problem?

The fifth graders have been learning about the process engineers go through to find solutions to everyday problems.  To practice the design process, students used modeling clay to design a raft that would float.  Then they added pennies to the raft until it sank.  They worked through the design process, by redesigning their raft, or by placing pennies in the rafts in different positions, to find the most pennies the rafts could hold without sinking. The students had a lot of fun designing and sinking their rafts.

Homecoming Bonfire moved to Tuesday night after Blind Volleyball!

Because of makeup volleyball games in Gordon/Rushville we have moved the Bonfire to Tuesday night after the blind volleyball. Events on Tuesday 10/15 will include:

  • Senior Hot Dog Feed in Lister or after practices are over
  • Blind Volleyball – 6:30 pm. Class vs. Class
  • 7:30 pm – Bonfire at north end of school property

Come out and join the fun!

Homecoming Days:

Monday, 10/14 – 80’s Day, Coronation at 3:30 pm in Lister, 5:30 pm JH VB @ home vs. Hemingford, 6:30 pm HS VB in Gordon/Rushville.

Tuesday, 10/15 – Opposite Sex Day, JH VB and FB in Cody 4:30 MT time, 6:00 pm Senior Hot Dog Feed in Lister, 6:30 pm Blind Volleyball in Lister, 7:00 pm Bonfire

Wednesday, 10/16 – Redneck/Western Day

Thursday, 10/17 – Homecoming and Parent’s Night,  Hat and Jersey Day, 1:00 pm – Pep Rally downtown (students will return to class after the pep rally), 3:30 pm JV & V Volleyball v. Crawford (parents need to be in gym for volleyball parents night no later than 4:00), 7:00 pm FB v. Crawford (parents need to be in the stands no later than 6:30pm)

We encourage the Elementary to dress up as well!!

Friday, 10/18

7:30 -11 pm – ML Homecoming Dance

Saturday, 10/19

8:00 pm – 12:00 am – HS Homecoming Dance

  • Shop Hawk Shop Clothing and Apparel