REMINDER: Father’s Day Lunch 1/22/14

The Café’teria will be hosting a special day each month. On this day, students are encouraged to invite someone to eat lunch with them. Adult Lunch is $3.30 which includes the meal and unlimited Fruit & Vegetable Bar.


 January’s Special Day is

National Blonde Brownie Day and

Invite Your Dad to Lunch Day

(In lieu of a father’s day)

On January 22nd.

PreK Lunch—12:00 noon

Elementary Lunch—11:30 a.m.

Middle/High School Lunch—12:25 p.m.



Financial Planning Webinar by Eduquest

Eduquest will be holding a webinar on Wednesday, January 22,   at 12:00 p.m. (CST) for those parents who would like to participate during the day.  Below you will see the links and password for each webinar.

Tuesday, January 21:                             password:  student

Wednesday, January 22:                       password:  student

Parents and students can also access the webinar by going to our website and use the link under upcoming events.

4th Grade Reads to PreK

The fourth grade class has been working very hard on writing all this year. Normally we are focused on Narrative writing as that is what our state test will be on this year. Recently though we read a story called Cendrillon in our Reading text book. It is a Cinderella type story. We decided to write our very own Cinderella or Cinderfella fairy tales and share them with other classrooms. The 4th graders wrote stories, edited them, then made them into books which they then illustrated. We would like to thank the students and teachers that allowed us to come into their rooms and share our stories.

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