Mr. Bounous, World Geography teacher

Hello!  My name is Brad Bounous, and I am the World Geography teacher in the High School.

I have a class Twitter account, and a class Facebook page. Follow me on Twitter @MrBHSHawks, or on Facebook by searching Mr. Bounous’ Classroom and like it. (I don’t Friend my students on Facebook, this is just a place where I can share stuff about our class.)  I give updates on the class, pictures of what’s going on in class.  (I do NOT post pictures of students, or their work/names.) Reminders to students, interesting articles pertaining to geography, easy access to me (questions about work, class etc.)  I encourage you to follow me.  If you don’t know much about Twitter, or have any questions contact me.  I strongly encourage the kids to follow me, I don’t follow them.  But, it is not mandatory.  If you do not want your child to have Twitter, I totally understand.  Many other school districts are using this technology, and I wanted them to take advantage of this.

I will also have a YouTube channel dedicated to virtual field trips.  I am currently going around the area when I have free time to make education videos for the kids pertaining to geography, and local history.  I hope you watch them and take something from them.  I have had a lot of fun making them,  and since I cannot take my students everywhere to show them these things, I thought I would bring the field trip to them.  I think the kids will enjoy them. it is still under construction so check back often.

Summer Lunch Program Returns

summer lunchThe summer lunch program will continue through the 31st of July 2014. Kids PK-18 eat free. Adult meals are $3.30 each. Lunch is served 11:30 to 12:30—we hope to see you there. Lunch will not be served on July 3rd in observance of the July 4th holiday.


Boys’ Basketball Camp @ CSC

Basketball PreviewChadron State College Eagles are hosting a Boys’ Basketball Summer Camp. High School Camp (Grades 10-12) is Saturday, June 21 and Sunday, June 22. Middle School Camp (Grades 6-9) is Sunday, June 22 through Tuesday, June 24. The Elementary School Camp (Grades 3-5) is Wednesday, June 25-Friday June 27. For more details, click on the link below.

CSC Summer Camp Flyer

Summer Camp Guitar Lessons

A Notice to all Students, Parents, or Interested People of Summer Camp Guitar Lessons:

We will be offering a beginner and an intermediate class of guitar during the afternoons of summer camp for all interested guitar people, big or small. The classes will be an hour long per class and will start on June 2, running Monday through Thursday, finishing on Thursday, June 26th. All that you’ll need is a guitar! If you are interested or know of someone, please let them know about it and contact the school.

Student Checkout

Each student grades K-12 will receive a check-out slip. Outstanding obligations will be added to the students check-out slip by the corresponding sponsor, librarian, teacher, etc; therefore the office will not be able to tell you what your child owes.


  • Each classroom teacher will collect book fines for damaged books.
  • The Librarian will collect payment for lost or damaged library books.
  • Mrs. Houser will collect payment for missing uniforms, sports equipment, etc.
  • Adriene will collect Hot Lunch money.
  • Mrs. Shimek will collect Yearbook money.


Each fee must be paid separately to the appropriate person/department!


K-11 students’ last day is May 22, 2014—ML/HS dismissed at regular time. ELEM dismissed after their awards assembly.


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