Building Readers Dec. 2019 Newsletter

Building Readers provides the guidance, steps to take, specific direction and concrete recommendations that parents need to help their kids learn to read, and to read more proficiently. Click the links below to read the December newsletter and extras!

Building Readers Elementary Newsletter(12/2019)
Building Readers Elementary Booklist
Building Readers Extras

4-H News

December Baking Basics
The Hay Springs December Baking Basics will be held on December 13th. At this workshop youth will prepare and decorate sugar cookies for Santa’s Bakeshop. Youth will be able to take some of the cookies made home to enjoy, and the other cookies will be shared with elders in the community. The youth will also continue to work on their sewing projects. The fee for this workshop is $10. Please register by December 6th by contacting the Nebraska Extension Sheridan County office at (308) 327-2312. This event is open to anyone interested in baking and sewing projects.

Clover Bud Workshops
The Hay Springs Clover Bud workshop will be held on December 19th from 4:00 – 5:00 pm. Please register for this event with Erika Gaswick by December 12th. Clover Bud members are youth between the ages of 5 and 7 as of January 1st, 2019. These youth will experience teamwork, social interaction, and decision-making skills while participating in hands on activities. Upon participating in these workshops, youth will have Clover Bud projects to display at the 2020 Sheridan County Fair.

Market Beef Weigh-ins
If your youth is interested in participating in the Market Beef project at the 2020 Fair, they need to participate in a weigh-in. At the weigh-ins, youth will receive a 4-H ear tag along with being weighed. If they attend the Sheridan County weigh-in, the youth will be entered in the Sheridan County Fair Rate of Gain Contest. If the Market Beef animal is a steer they must weigh 1000 pounds at the weigh-in in July and heifers must weigh 900 pounds. The Sheridan County weigh-in will be held on January 26th from 1 to 3 pm at Sheridan Livestock Auction. If the 4-H member is not able to attend this weigh-in, they can attend the weigh-ins at Box Butte County or Dawes County. However, they will not be eligible for the Sheridan County Rate of Gain Contest. The Box Butte County weigh-in will be held on January 5th at the fairgrounds in Hemingford tentatively from 9 to noon and the Dawes County weigh-in is tentatively scheduled for February 1st at Crawford Livestock Auction from 9 to noon. If you are planning on attending another county’s weigh-in, please contact the Sheridan County office to ensure you have the required paperwork.

High School Wrestling

The High school wrestling season kicked off on November 18th with two wrestlers, Harvey Wesley and R.J. Riggs.  The first Invite will be December 6th at Custer, South Dakota.  Even with the low numbers of wrestlers this year,  I’m still confident that we will still represent Hay Springs wrestling at the state tournament as we have for the past four years! — Coach McCance

One Act Competition

Hay Springs Public School was excited to be able to host the 2019 Panhandle Athletic Conference One Act Competition last Friday, November 22nd.  The competition was held in the auditorium and five area schools participated.  First up was Hay Springs with their performance of Citizen’s Arrest, followed by Crawford(The Monkey’s Paw), Hemingford(Spy School), Sioux County(Cinderella Wore Combat Boots), and finishing up the day, Morrill(Night Witches).  Both Jett Rasmussen and Joce Varvel received honorable mentions and Hay Springs took 4th place overall, with the number one spot going to Hemingford.  Best Actor went to Carter Buchheit and best Actress went to Ashton Hoffman.  Be sure to catch the upcoming performances of Citizen’s Arrest on Monday, December 2nd at 7:00 PM and also on Tuesday, December 3rd at 2:00 PM!  Congratulations to all participants!

Hawks’ Library News

November Activities
The Kindergarten through Third grade students studied one author this month. We began with a biographical video then read books by each author.

Kindergarten – Eric Carle, author and illustrator
We read A House for Hermit Crab and The Mixed up Chameleon. After reading A House for Hermit Crab we decorated a picture of a shell for hermit crab’s house.

First – Mo Willems
We read The Pigeon has to go to School and drew pictures of Pigeon. We also read I’m a Frog.

Second – Mem Fox, an Australian author
We read Magic Hat and drew what we would become if the hat landed on us. We also read Koala Lou.

Third – Eve Bunting
We read Dandelions, a book about Nebraska homesteaders and The Night Tree. After reading The Night Tree we talked and wrote about what the family experienced with their five senses.

Top Checkouts from Last Month
Picture Books
Llama Llama hoppity-hop
Pete the cat and the Cool Cat Boogie
Pete the Cats Checks out the Library
Scaredy-Cat, Splat”
Alexander, Who used to be Rich Last Sunday

Chapter Books and NonFiction
Eva and the New Owl
Amazing Snakes
Afternoon on the Amazon
Babymouse, Rock Star
Balto of the Blue Dawn

The Heir
Stars above: a Lunar Chronicle Collection
Foul Trouble
The Friendship Experiment

Quote of the Month
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” – Walt Disney

December 9-12 Hour of Code week

Cafeteria News

-Our Christmas Dinner will be held on December 18th. We will need people planning to attend to RSVP by the afternoon of the 9th. There will be no reservations made after this date with absolutely no exceptions. Seating is limited so please take that into consideration when deciding how many family members you plan to have come.

-Magic Plate winners for October were Kyler Kelly, Daniel Avery and Dustin Brien.


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