4th Quarter Outstanding Student Shout Outs – (Middle Level)

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The Hay Springs PBIS committee, along with the Hay Springs staff would like to send a huge shout-out to the following 6th-8th  grade students for their outstanding effort through the 4th quarter! We are so proud of the work you did!!

Ms. Lein

Lilly D.  7th Grade Careers and Tech 

Talan S. 7th Grade Careers and Tech 

Kaylee 7th Grade Careers and Tech 

Jaelyn R. 7th Grade Careers and Tech 

Mrs. Holtmeier

6th Grade Careers and Tech: Parker Wellnitz, Julia Russell, Bo Thies

Mrs. Varvel-Music: 

I would also like to thank all the band students (and their parents who encouraged them) who took the time to practice their instruments! I am so proud of all your efforts and can’t wait to make music with you again this fall!!

Mr. Rotherham

Jarhett A (8th) – Math and Science: Jarhett would be the first to say math and science are not his thing. However, he worked hard all year to get better at both of them. He asked what he could do to bring up his grades and followed through, he also matured in his attitude.

Gaby T (8th) – Math and Science: Gaby worked hard all year even though math was not her thing. This last quarter she was always on top of assignments and completed them to the best of her ability.

Alexa, Gage, Abigail N (8th) – Science: These students did great work throughout the 4th quarter, keeping caught up and completing work to a high standard.

Lily D, Cooper J, Jaelyn R, Dylan R, Talan S. (7th) – these students just did a great job keeping caught up and doing very nice work.

Zahaven H (7th) – Z did a great job maturing throughout the year in getting work completed and dealing with me and classmates.

4th Quarter Outstanding Student Shout Outs

Student Shout Out Slips FREEBIE by Miss West Best | TpT

The Hay Springs PBIS committee, along with the Hay Springs staff would like to send a huge shout-out to the following Kindergarten-5th grade students for their outstanding effort through the 4th quarter! We are so proud of the work you did!!


Mrs. Mintken-Kindergarten

A huge HAWK shout out to the Kindergarten class and parents, who ROCKED the 4th quarter!  Way to SOAR! 

Mrs. Heiting-1st Grade:

Zobelle Henry and Milo Smith-both students completed work in a timely manner and checked in frequently to let me know their progress. They showed pride in their home learning even when things weren’t easy and persevered. Thank you for being first grade home learning rockstars!

Mrs. Vandermay-2nd Grade:

Autumn Richardson has genuinely completed all of her work and turns it in early if not on time. She responds to all the Dojo messages. Makes it to 90% of the scheduled Zooms I am so proud of her for all of her hard work!

Mrs. Strotheide-3rd Grade:Free You Rock Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

Catherine Two Bulls and William Gaswick.  Both of these students went above and beyond with their weekly assignments.                                                 

Ms. Meeks-4th Grade:

Hunter Thies, Emma Albrecht and Braydon Heiting were IMPRESSIVE!!!! Megan Anderson and Devyn Young always did their best.

Mrs. Anderson-5th Grade:

I am very proud of all my students this last quarter.  They all rose to the challenge and worked so hard.  Each student had their own hurdles to overcome and I am just overwhelmed with how well they handled everything that came their way.

Kindergarten Roundup

Obviously this year we are forced into trying something different for our Kindergarten roundup, so we hope you enjoy Mrs. Mintken’s video and please be sure to look at the Kindergarten Registration Forms for more information. If you have any other questions, please call the school at 308-638-4434 and talk to Adriene! We look forward to seeing you next Fall!

PreK Roundup

Obviously this year we are forced into trying something different for our preschool roundup, so we hope you enjoy Ms. Sherlock’s video and please be sure to look at the Entry Forms for more information. If you have any other questions, please call the school at 308-638-4434 and talk to Adriene! We look forward to seeing you next Fall!


Graduation FAQ

Hay Springs High School GRADUATION FAQ’S–April 27, 2020

Q:  When will Hay Springs High School graduation ceremony be held?

A:  Saturday, May 16, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Mountain Time.  It will be a virtual ceremony posted on the District’s website (www.hshawks.com) and on the Hay Springs Public School Facebook page.

Q:  What will the virtual ceremony include?

A:  The virtual ceremony will include as many of the same features as a traditional graduation ceremony as possible.
• Presentation of Diplomas will take place on Tuesday, May 12th at a designated time for each family to comply with guidelines/directives issued by the Nebraska Department of Education and the Panhandle Health COVID-19 Unified Command. (Click to view Guidelines/Directives)
• Video footage will be taken and edited into the overall ceremony that will be posted on May 16th.
• Graduates can pick up their cap and gown on Tuesday, April 28th prior to the presentation of Diplomas on Tuesday, May 12th.

Q:  Why not just wait to hold the ceremony until late July or August?

A:  As a school community we want to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of ALL of our graduating seniors. If we were to wait, some students will already be engaged in their future plans and not able to be a part of graduation. Also, there is no guarantee when the Directive Health Measure would allow us to hold a ceremony.

Q: Community members and parents have indicated that they feel it is important for students to have closure and experience graduation together as a class.

A: Unfortunately, it is not possible to have a traditional ceremony at this time, it is possible to do something digitally.

Q: Why make a decision now?

A:  The 4th quarter of the 2019-2020 school year has been unprecedented due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Hay Springs High School graduating Class of 2020 will have many unusual memories to share as a result of the pandemic. Hopefully our district’s decision to hold a virtual graduation ceremony on the regularly scheduled graduation day will provide our students and families a sense of normalcy during these uncertain times. In making this decision our priorities were to try and ensure the health and safety of our students, staff and community members and honor each of our graduating seniors. By going virtual we can allow all family and friends to be a part of this process in a timely manner.


Athletic Physicals for 2020-2021 year

Athletic Physical Day - Indian Lake Schools

Physicals from the 2019-2020 school year will be acceptable for the 2020-2021 season. This will be a one-year exemption only and does not include incoming freshmen or 7th graders. Also not included in the exemption will be the incoming 6th grade girls who plan on participating in Junior High sports. All other high school students entering grades 10, 11, and 12 who have physicals on file at Hay Springs High School are set for the upcoming seasons.  If you have any questions please call the school at 638-4434.

End of School (May 5th) – Information

Tomorrow, April 28th is the last week assignments will be delivered to students.  All student work/assignments must be turned in electronically or into the garage on May 5th by 12:00 pm.  No credit will be given to assignments turned in after 12:00 pm.  The “To Go” lunch program also will have its last day tomorrow, April 28th.

Check – out slips for 3rd – 5th grade will be in the garage tomorrow along with the last of the student’s assignments.  6th grade – 12th grade students have received an email with their designated date, time and check – out slip. Please try and stay on time during check – out so no over lapping occurs.  Please come to the Auditorium to check – out.

Expected to bring during check – out:

  • All text books
  • Library Books
  • District Technology (computers, cases, chargers, calculators, etc.)
  • Music instruments and equipment
  • Any fines or fees that one may have




PreK Happenings

Wow! What a crazy and interesting time we are living in, especially when it comes to school. Preschool students have been busy learning, playing, and growing while parents have been busy helping them at home. I have provided packets and materials to keep the students on track and we have been having weekly classroom Zoom meetings to talk to our classmates and keep in touch. During our Zoom meetings, we have had show and tell, listened to music together, read stories, and even had a scavenger hunt! Students also talk about what they have been doing at home and how they are staying busy with play. It makes me incredibly sad that we could not end our preschool year together, but I love that their families share what they are doing at home with me. I wanted to share some of those wonderful pictures with you. Some of the things they have been doing are helping on the farm, celebrating Easter, planting seeds and gardens, working on their school work, and learning through play! Also,due to the current health situation, our preschool open house and kindergarten round up have been moved online! Please watch our website for a video and information about the upcoming school year. — Ms. Sherlock

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