HSPS Homecoming Royalty Crowned

The 2023 Hay Springs Public School Homecoming Royalty were crowned this afternoon in the auditorium.  The 2023 Homecoming Royalty are Queen Gabrielle Twarling and King Mason Marcy!  Congratulations to 2nd Runners up Ava McKillip and Jordyn Anderson and 1st Runners up Alexa Tonjes and Gage Mintken.  It was a very, very close race!

Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day

On October 2nd, National Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day encourages appreciation to the employees who keep our schools and workplaces across the nation running smoothly. Custodial workers operate behind the scenes. They are often under-appreciated for the hard work they do day after day, too. These are the personnel keeping schools, hospitals, office buildings, museums, churches, and other buildings clean and well maintained.  Thank you Ricky, Nate, and Malinda!

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