5th Grade Field Trips

On April 23rd, the fifth graders went to Chadron State Park to release our rainbow trout. We received trout eggs in January and have been busy testing water and making sure the trout fry had a healthy environment to grow in. Unfortunately, when we released the fish into the pond, a few were gobbled up by bigger trout! After we released our fish, we were able to go fishing. A fun time was had by all!

On May 1st, the fifth graders traveled back to Chadron State Park for Conservation Day. There were 9 different stations we attended. Some of our favorites were learning how to use a GPS, playing noxious weeds musical chairs, and shooting off bottle rockets. We also planted trees and learned about echolocation. It was an educational and fun time.

2024 Prom

The 2024 Prom will be held in the auditorium on Saturday, April 27th. The Grand March will be held in the auditorium beginning at 8:30 PM. The doors will open to the public at 8:15 PM to attend the Grand March and parent dance ONLY. All public, including parents, are asked to leave immediately following the parent dance so that the students can enjoy spending the evening with their classmates and friends.

The Life and Drive of Mari Sandoz

Peg Gilbert presented “The Life and Drive of Mari Sandoz” to 4th and 5th graders. They had read “Mari Sandoz A Wild Flower” by Evelyn B Hisel earlier this year. Peg dressed as Mari and talked of the hardships and challenges of the Sandhills, as well as, Mari’s accomplishments as an author. Peg’s presentation was brought to us by Humanities Nebraska. Humanities Nebraska provides major funding for programs. Humanities Nebraska receives support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Nebraska State Legislature, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment and private donations.

100th Day Breakfast

Today(Feb. 22) is our 100th day of school this year!  For those of you who have not experienced the 100th Day with us before, the entire Elementary eats breakfast with their class instead of before school. Breakfast today was a sausage link (for the 1) and two pancakes (for the two zeros)!

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